Possible Worlds in Literary Theory. Ronen,Ruth. . 1994Ronen, Ruth 1994 Possible worlds in literary theory (Literature, culture, theory: 7) [M].Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Ronen, R. 1994. Possible Worlds in Literary Theory. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press....
data-sciencemachine-learningdata-miningstatisticsreinforcement-learningdeep-learningneural-networkhardwarepapermachine-learning-algorithmsstatistical-learningartificial-intelligencegame-theorypattern-recognitionliteraturesiliconlearning-theory UpdatedFeb 18, 2023
In game-theory literature it is common to equate individual players' action marginal distributions with their actual strategies11,18. In reality, however, decision-making and learning are very complicated neural processes41,42,43,44,45. The action marginal distributions are only a consequence of suc...
EPISTEMIC FOUNDATIONS OF SOLUTION CONCEPTS IN GAME THEORY: AN INTRODUCTION We give an introduction to the literature on the epistemic foundations of solution concepts in game theory. Only normal-form games are considered. The solution concepts analyzed are rationalizability, strong rationalizability, co...
In the process, he notes logical weaknesses in other analyses of social cooperation and coordination, such as those offered by Rousseau, Kant, Gauthier, and Nozick. He persuasively argues that much of the current literature elaborates a faulty analysis of an irrelevant game. Game Theory and the...
‘ novelization of the experience in playing game’ took the computer game as its main body, which the narration of the game was regarded as new form, ‘realism’ of the new time, and the exploration of how is this new type of realism expounded by the literary and art theory.” So, ...
This study was a theory-based, pretest–posttest quasi-experiment conducted in the field (N = 922) to determine whether and how a media literacy curriculum addressing sexual portrayals in the media would influence adolescents' deci... BE Pinkleton,EW Austin,Chen, Yi-Chun “Yvonnes”,... ...
The thesis introduces the standpoint of game theory to the discussion of library and booksellers, points out the relations between them is cooperative non -zero -sum -game, moreover, expatiates the relations by using the example of the bidding, meanwhile, finds out the key problems -the handic...
著有《可能世界、人工智能和叙事理论》(Possible Worlds, Artificial Intelligence and Narrative Theory,1991)、《作为虚拟现实的叙事: 文学和电子媒体中的沉浸和互动》(Narrative as Virtual Reality: Immersion and Interactivity in Literature and Electronic Media,2001年,2015年出版第二版),以及《故事的变身》(...