Game theory has been an area of rapid growth and substantial interest in economics and it has impacted upon all areas within economics. This text covers the main theory and techniques and gives particular emphasis to aspects that have been neglected, including co-operative games, experiments and ...
第一篇非合作博弈理论 第二章完全信息静态信息博弈-纳什均衡第三章完全信息动态搏弈-子博弈精炼纳什均衡第四章不完全信息静态博弈-贝叶斯纳什均衡第五章不完全信息动态博弈-精练贝叶斯纳什均衡 主要内容简介 第二篇信息经济学 第六章委托-代理理论(I)第七章委托-代理理论(II)第八章逆向选择与信号传递 第六章委托...
from noncooperative theory, and then goes on to explore the strengths, weaknesses, and future of the theory as a tool of economic modelling and analysis. All those interested in the applications of game theory to economics, from undergraduates to academics will find this study of particular ...
Game theory has been an area of rapid growth and substantial interest in economics and it has impacted upon all areas within economics. This text covers the main theory and techniques and gives particular emphasis to aspects that have been neglected, including co-operative games, experiments and ...
答:(1)博弈论(game theory):也称为对策论,关注策略相互影响的一般分析理论。对策现象是指带有竞争和利害冲突性质(或至少含有竞争成分)的现象。对策就是决策者在某种竞争场合下做出的决策,或者说,参加竞争的各方为了自己的利益而采取的对付对方的策略。对策模型是人们对对策现象的抽象。对策理论就是分析对策模型的方法...
一博弈论与信息经济学 信息经济学:从本质上讲,信息经济学是非对称信息博弈论在经济学上的应用。一博弈论与信息经济学 买主 卖主 非对称信息:指的是某些参与人拥有但另一些参与人不拥有的信息。一博弈论与信息经济学 阿克洛夫:买卖主 对于要交易的“旧车”存在信息不对称,买主通常不愿意出高价,... your life with game theory—the study of how people make decisions. An award-winning teacher explains the basics. 用博弈论来优化你的生活ーー研究人们如何做决定。 所有中文均为彩云小译机翻,仅供参考