VII.3. Game Theory and Behavior : The Princeton Guide to EvolutionMcNamaraJohn M
Game theory has revolutionized the study of animal behavior. The fundamental principle of evolutionary game theory - that the strategy adopted by one individual depends on the strategies exhibited by others - has proven a powerful tool in uncovering the forces shaping otherwise mysterious behaviors. In...
《博弈论:非合作博弈与合作博弈》(Game Theory: Analysis of Conflict)by Roger B. Myerson - 这是一本深入的博弈论教材,介绍了博弈论的各个方面,包括非合作博弈和合作博弈。 《策略性博弈:行为、分析和计算》(Strategic Games: Behavior and Analysis)by Nicolas Vieille and Philippe Solal - 这本书强调了博弈...
Dive into game theory and human behavior. Study mathematical models of conflict and cooperation. Understand decision-making processes.
Game theory, behavior, and the paradox of the Prisoner\"s Dilemma: three solutions 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 80 作者: Shubik,M.摘要: The deceptive simplicity of the Prisoner's Dilemma game may tempt researchers to make unwarranted analogies between it and more complex human ...
Game Theory and Strategic Behavior Chapter14 GameTheoryandStrategicBehavior 1 ChapterFourteenOverview 1.Motivation:HondaandToyota2.NashEquilibrium3.ThePrisoner'sDilemma4.DominantStrategyEquilibrium 5.LimitationsoftheNashEquilibrium 6.SequentialMovesGames•TheValueofLimitingOne’sOpinion ChapterFourteen2 Capacity...
The rational choice theory is one of the theories that predicts humans’ and societies’ behaviors in the social sciences. The main hypothesis in the prediction of humans’ behavior is that these have an almost rational and targeted trend. In this theory, society is a set of the people, whic...
Game theory is multiplayer decision theory where the choices of each player affect the payoffs to other players, and the players take this into account in their choice behavior. This chapter addresses the contribution of game theory to the design of experiments aimed at understanding the behavior ...