There is also aSkull & Bones TV showon the way. On whether the game's new delay will affect the TV show, Ubisoft told GameSpot, "The Skull & Bones TV series has no impact on the development of the game--and vice versa." That being said, we haven't heard much about the...
There's a specific reason why Skull & Bones isn't an Assassin's Creed game, and the game's creative director, Justin Farren, has come forward to explain why. In an interview withGameSpot, Farren said the team over at Ubisoft Singapore did not want to make a game "about being an ...
Skull and Boneswill be a multiplayer-focused experience, with players competing to become the most notorious pirate. Farren introduced a video showing off loot hunt, a five-versus-five mode where the team with the most loot at the end wins. Each player gets their own ship, rather than al...
“Sea of Thieves” is colorful and whimsical, while “Skull & Bones” is going for a grittier, realistic look. Ubisoft said it’s decided to give itself more time to develop the game to “offer players an even more engaging experience.” Skull & Bones” was originally scheduled for ...
英伟达发布GeForce Game Ready 551.52 WHQL驱动程序,可以为支持DLSS技术的最新游戏提供最佳体验,其中针对《碧海黑帆(Skull and Bones)》进行了优化,另外修复了一些bug。英伟达在550版本驱动程序里新增了几项功能,分别是:支持CUDA 12.4;添加了对RTX Video HDR功能的支持;添加了对RTX Video Super Resolution的“...
外媒GameSpot带来了《骷髅与骸骨(Skull and Bones)》的试玩前瞻。正当Demo快结束时,对方小队差一点就...
英伟达发布GeForce Game Ready 551.52 WHQL驱动程序,可以为支持DLSS技术的最新游戏提供最佳体验,其中针对《碧海黑帆(Skull and Bones)》进行了优化,另外修复了一些bug。 英伟达在550版本驱动程序里新增了几项功能,分别是:支持CUDA 12.4;添加了对RTX Video HDR功能的支持;添加了对RTX Video Super Resolution的“Auto”设...
- 打造多达 12 艘船只,并用各种武器与装甲自定义它们,大大提升你成功的机会。 - 在 PvE 或 PvEvP 模式中单独出海,或与最多两名好友组队。 * 数位艺术图集与原声带会在游戏推出时同步于《碧海黑帆》官方站点放出: 《 碧海黑帆:限定版 》 的短评 (暂无) 现在...
"We're proud of the work we've done and we hope you will be too when you see more of Skull & Bones at our comeback next year," Pellen said. "Until then, on behalf of everyone in the Skull & Bones team around the world, keep safe and we will see you again soon!" ...
"Game for Anything" Skull and Bones review, Elden Ring's DLC trailer, and Nintendo Direct (Podcast Episode 2024) - Awards, nominations, and wins