Meanwhile, with each new spin the show's host, Peter Tomarken, was beyond flabbergasted. Not realizing that Michael was using a strategy, Tomarken begged him to stop pressing his luck. Tomarken wasn't begging for the sake of the increasingly anxious CBS executive...
Peter Tomarken on 'Press Your Luck'. Everett Collection We have nothing to say except: No whammies! No whammies! Just in case you have no idea what we're talking about, we'll explain. On the game show, which first aired in 1983, there were two rounds: In the first, players answer...
Peter Tomarken was the keeper of the Whammies on CBS' "Press Your Luck" from 1983 to 1986. Contestants literally had to press their luck as they hit a button the size of a plunger to stop on a prize space on the giant game board. Unfortunately, the board also was packed with Whammie...
This ticket is for the syndicated game show that ran September 12, 1988 to June 9, 1989 and had Peter Tomarken as its host. The game revolved around a large board that displayed sixteen possible answers to a question such as “Name a movie starring Elizabeth Taylor.” Eleven of the ...