而观察游戏出海的品类趋势,不难看出RPG依然是主流赛道,比如在刚刚过去的2023年中,就不乏有朝夕光年旗下首月海外流水超7000万的TeamRPG游戏《龙息:神迹(Dragonheir: Silent Gods)》;以及由魔兔网络研发,登陆日区40天流水破2亿的放置RPG《马赛克英雄(Pixel Heroes)》等人气佳作轮番出现,这也从侧面印证了RPG手游出海仍...
How long are your favorite video games? HowLongToBeat has the answer. Create a backlog, submit your game times and compete with your friends!
You may start plotting ideas at any time, but actual Character Creation should be done in 2024.Every user may make 1 general Geeklist item ahead of January 1, 2024 to write down your plans and/or ask others for personal recommendations. Create up to 31 characters for any Tabletop RPG(s)...
You may start plotting ideas at any time, but actual Character Creation should be done in 2024.Every user may make 1 general Geeklist item ahead of January 1, 2024 to write down your plans and/or ask others for personal recommendations. Create up to 31 characters for any Tabletop RPG(s)...
RPG Action Adventure "it is a brilliantly-crafted and impressive detective sim with voxel-style graphics and procedurally-generated murders to be solved + jobs to be undertaken between said cases. the potential of the game is practically infinite and the systems involved are very intricate and......
One of the best RPGs of all time,The Witcher 3: Wild Huntbrings the incredible story of Geralt of Rivia to a close. The Witcher 3 puts Geralt on a quest to find Ciri, a witcher in training who's like a daughter to him. He reconnects with old flames, friends, and adversaries as ...
Gekkeiju Online Laghaim ZeldereX Online Savage Eden: The Battle For Laghaim Marcoland : Survival Meets Destiny Ashen Empires Realms of the Dragon Dark Legacy Lords of Legend Helbreath Ferion RPG World Online Street Fighter Online War of Nations ...
《冒险奇谭》(亦被称作《葛兰蒂亚》)是由GAMEARTS开发、ESP发行的一系列RPG游戏。该游戏叙述了主角Justin和他的同伴们联合起来,与恶势力Garlyle作战,并逐步揭露一个关于古老文明失传秘密的传说。《葛兰蒂亚》《葛兰蒂亚2》HD高清版于18年冬上线NS平台,2019年10月16日上线Steam平台 [3],2024年3月26日上线Xbox和ps...
Stellar Blade menawarkan pengalaman bermain yang unik dengan menggabungkan elemen-elemen action RPG dan survival horror. Sistem pertarungan yang responsif dan mekanisme gameplay yang kompleks memberikan tantangan yang menarik bagi para pemain. Keseimbangan antara eksplorasi, pertarungan, dan pengembangan...