Iso CDVD v0.5.0, EFP Polling CDVD v0.4.0, CDVDnull v0.6.0 和PEOPS CDVD v1.2.0....
1.先下载PCSX2 0.93R7(是0.92的改版,目前官方支持32系统的只有0.92,设置一样)2.玩之前先配置...
Send a usb wireless computer ps handle, which has been paired with the front end of the emulator, and can be played directly as a ps2, and the computer becomes a ps2. It is recommended to use a quad-core or six-core Intel i5-level CPU starting from the 6th generation. The 12th-ge...
Using a PS3, PS4, or Xbox controller PCSX2 doesn't require any special directions for using a PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, or Xbox controller. However, the first time you plug one into your computer, it needs to be properly setup or requires special instruction for connecting. There are...
虽然我也并没有主要在ps4上玩galgame[买galgame。],但是喜欢的还是买了。 galgame比较喜欢恋爱少女与守护之盾。 去年PC上推了恋爱少女与守护之盾,后面知道psp,ps2版有新增内容,用psv模拟psp玩了。(若菜线蛮喜欢的),今年PC推了恋爱少女与守护之盾 蔷薇圣母,知道有psv,ps4版,找到了psv的资源,之后去雅虎代购...$&s1=1&s2=1&s3=1&s4=1&s5=1 2D游戏和3D设置差不多,主要是声音模拟的问题,目前解决的还不太好,推荐选择p.e.op.s 1.9声音插件,这个音效好一点,主程序就用0.9.5 svn384即可,再高的版本也没什么帮助,有些游戏要关掉MTGS,有的不能开VU,...
Playstation 2 C:\Program Files (x86)\PCSX2\pcsx2.exe F:\Software\games\roms\PS2 %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\PS2 Z:\data\Software\games\roms\PS2 Playstation 3 %USERPROFILE%\rpcs3-v0.0.13-11287-cab4c78b_win64\rpcs3.exe F:\Software\games\roms\PS3\out %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Games\...
PCSX2重大更新——可选作弊功能可用+全中文官网汉化+游戏高级设置功能打开 05:06 可以根据需要选择哪些金手指生效-最新PCSX2金手指转换工具使用教程 方便转换最新金手指格式 05:35 7月 常用模拟器最新更新 yuzu 龙神 PS3、PS2、PSP、WII、N64等 05:51 PS2 枪下游魂4 - 生化危机:英雄不死 Gun Survivor 4 -...
If you have a PS3 console and a memory card adapter for PS3, you can read and write PS2 memory cards. ▼PS2 (Memory card) to PCSX2 (PS2 emulator)How to transfer save game file ▼PCSX2 (PS2 emulator) to PS2 (Memory card)How to transfer save game file ...
二、添加/翻译游戏这里以【パニカル・コンフュージョン】为例Ps:这个例子可能不太好,因为这个游戏在进入游戏前需要先设置字体为MS ゴシック或MS Gothic。总体来说方法大同小异。对于大部分游戏来说,使用VNR翻译请先将游戏文字显示速度调至最快,不然会出现翻译断层等问题1.手动打开游戏,记得转区(使用NTLEA、...