Choi, Andrew Invaders (Interton VC 4000) Shootout (Interton VC 4000) Space Attack (1982, A2001) Crazy Gobbler (1983, A2001) Pac-Man-like Christensen, Cory Sphinx (1983, C64, DES-Soft) Christensen, Greg Caverns of Mars, w/Richard Watts (1981, 800, APX) Phobos (1982, 800, APX) Mar...
Choi studied fashion apparel supply chain financing and established a bargaining game model to analyze the blockchain implementation conditions and the optimal decision of supply chain participants in terms of both profit and risk [15]. Choi and Luo developed the Stackelberg game model for ...
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oItnlinteersm, ms oosft wwhhiissttlleebblloowwiinnggornepWoretCs hwaet,rethferonmumthbeereoasftwerhnisatnledblcoewnitnragl rperpoovritnscienscraenadsemd ubnyi9ci6p.4a%litiiens2o0f17Choinnaa, yinecalru-odnin-ygeJairanbgassuis,,Cahnodngthqeintgo,pShfiavnegphraoi,vBinecijeins gin, Lti...
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