✅ Game Pass PC Game is not working:When I try to play a game on PC Game Pass it gets stopped at a screen that says signing in (image below). Does anyone know how to fix this? [img]...
✅ Metro Exodus game pass PC not working:Hello, After downloading and installing the game with many problems today I wanted to play.I start the game and nothing happens. It is only visible in...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":6632400,"subject":"PC Game Pass install Not Working","id":"message:6632400","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":0,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:709427"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:battlefield-franchise-...
✅ Fable 2 PC gamepass - The Spire quest not working:My game is stuck at the part where you are supposed to talk to the captain but it won't trigger, i have tried all the solutions i could find but...
求助pc端gamep..买了个大会员,游戏机端的可以正常下载。pc端装了个Xbox game pass的软件,点这个登录死活没反应,求教大神!电脑的国家和地区选成了中国香港,win10的自动更新也打开了,xboxlive自动
血的教训,请大家慎用..之前试用了xbox game pass,不知道它会自动续费。更过分的是,在今年四月本人不知情的情况下,自动升级为了ultimate版本!!!我之前根本没关注过,直接扣了我五个月的终极版的钱!!!微
“无法打开xbox pc端” “打开xbox后无法显示游戏” “菜单看不见游戏” “游戏页面不显示安装游戏” 一、关闭电脑中所有代理/中转 xbox和微软应用商店都是UWP应用,在电脑开启代理时无法联网。 解决方案是将所有代理软件全部关闭,如clash,ssr,v2ray等,以及steam++,steamcommunity_302_V12.1.5。(进阶技巧可以不关闭...
当尝试在 Windows 设备上安装 Xbox 或 PC 版 Game Pass 游戏时,看到以下错误代码和消息: 0x80073D23 尝试重新登录。无法使用此帐户安装应用。尝试注销并再次登录,或使用其他帐户登录。 这可能意味着你的帐户存在问题,或者需要更新 Windows 或 Microsoft Store 应用。 解决方案 全部展开 解决方案 1:注销并重新登...
"ARK: Ultimate Survivor Edition" in the Microsoft Store (included with PC Game Pass) shows that this game has "16 Supported languages", including French, Japanese, Simplified Chinese and others. However, it is actually only available in English. No matter how the player switc...
新人,买了个Xbox..这个报错我百度了一圈试了试解决方案不行,设置里的区域已经改成香港了,但是Sunset Overdrive居然就下载成功了,并且有时候会出现总容量只有几百KB的情况,下到几百KB之后就会卡住然后0x80