据WindowsCentral报道,微软似乎寻找合适的机会,以进一步扩展Xbox Game Pass。据称,微软正在考虑今年某个时候,推出Xbox Game Pass家庭计划(Family Plan),为五名玩家提供Xbox Game Pass的访问权限,并且价格将低于单独帐户的费用,前提是这些玩家和主账号所有者居住在同一个国家或地区。微软将整合其家庭帐户系统,该...
据微软系媒体Windows Central报道,Xbox Game Pass将迎来一个玩家等待许久的“家庭计划(Family Plan)”。尽管微软已经为Xbox Live金会员提供了多年的家庭计划,但Xbox Game Pass一直是单一账号订阅。不过即将到来的家庭计划将改变这一切。家族计划将允许XGP的订阅者在多个主机和家庭中共享该服务。报道指出一个更高级别...
据微软系媒体Windows Central报道,Xbox Game Pass将迎来一个玩家等待许久的“家庭计划(Family Plan)”。 尽管微软已经为Xbox Live金会员提供了多年的家庭计划,但Xbox Game Pass一直是单一账号订阅。不过即将到来的家庭计划将改变这一切。家族计划将允许XGP的订阅者在多个主机和家庭中共享该服务。 报道指出一个更高级别...
Play hundreds of high-quality games on Windows PC with PC Game Pass. Includes iconic Bethesda games, new day one titles and the EA Play on PC catalogue.
The latest information suggests that Microsoft is still negotiating what the Family Plan will look like with its publishing partners, and hasn't yet given up on the concept. Xbox Game Pass: How many games are there? Xbox Game Pass sports an absolute mountain of games, more than any single...
Microsoft hasannouncedGame Pass Friends & Family plan to allow Game Pass members to share their subscription with friends and family. It brings the same benefits as the Game Pass Ultimate, but with the former, you will be able to share with four other members of your friends and family circl...
The report doesn’t make clear whether PC Game Pass or Xbox Game Pass will be covered by separate family plans, or if there will be an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate family plan. Pricing is also currently unknown. Microsoft recently revealed that it had paid developers and publishers “hundreds of...
Xbox Game Pass Friends and Family members will have access to all perks associated with an Xbox Game Pass Ultimate account like having access to hundreds of games, guaranteed day one access to Xbox Game Studios titles, membership discounts, and free access to EA Play. Current Xbox Game P...
微软官方发文宣布,Xbox Game Pass家庭版(Friends & Family Plan)服务将登录6个新的国家地区,为玩家们带来更好的游戏体验! 官方表示“我们一直在努力为玩家提供更多选择,让他们与朋友和家人一起发现和体验游戏。从今天起,智利、匈牙利、以色列、新西兰、南非和瑞典的Xbox玩家将能够加入家庭&朋友计划,最多可以让五名好...
Play hundreds of high-quality games on Windows PC with PC Game Pass. Includes iconic Bethesda games, new day one titles, and the EA Play on PC catalog.