【GameStop新广告使用Microsoft Game Pass而非Xbox Game Pass引热议】知名游戏零售商GameStop近日发布了一则新广告以宣传即将到来的店内Xbox活动。其中比较惹人注目的是他们将大家所熟知的“Xbox Game Pass”订阅服务宣传为“Microsoft Game Pass”。因为近几日Xbox第一方游戏要登其他平台的传闻不断(斯宾塞已表示会在...
在游戏零售商GameStop发布的一条宣传图中,其将“Xbox Game Pass”改为了"Microsoft Game Pass"。 虽然这条推文已被删除,但这个改变引发了大量猜测和讨论。 许多人认为这可能是微软即将宣布的Xbox未来愿景的一部分。 近日,有关Xbox多款第一方独占游戏将登陆PS5的爆料不断出现,包括《光环》《HiFi-Rush》《星空》《...
IT之家2 月 9 日消息,知名游戏零售商 GameStop 近日在 X 平台发布了一则贴文以宣传即将到来的 Xbox 活动,不过广告中赫然写有“Microsoft Game Pass”字样,而非“Xbox Game Pass”。 ▲ 第三方用户保存的截图 不过相关贴文迅速被官方删除,截至IT之家发稿,微软和 GameStop 都尚未出面作出官方解释,目前尚不知...
知名游戏零售商 GameStop 近日在 X 平台发布了一则贴文以宣传即将到来的 Xbox 活动,不过广告中赫然写有“Microsoft Game Pass”字样,而非“Xbox Game Pass”。 ▲ 第三方用户保存的截图 不过相关贴文迅速被官方删除,截至IT之家发稿,微软和 GameStop 都尚未出面作出官方解释,目前尚不知悉相关变更是微软“改名部...
Xbox Game Pass Core is set to replace Xbox Live, but why are console players asked to pay more for less?
Every month means new Xbox Game Pass games. Keep track of everything coming and going with our comprehensive guide.
GameStop is on a strategic path to fully leverage its unique position and brand recognition in gaming through a new phase of transformation. Our strategic plan is designed to optimize our core business and achieve profitability in the near term, while pursuing strategic initiatives to generate long...
Paul Raines, chief executive officer, stated, "In 2015, theGameStopteam achieved several significant milestones in our on-going transformation efforts. The company posted its third straight year of positive comps, exceeded$1 billionin digital receipts, gained market share in our core video game bus...
SciFi3D|2633d ago|Opinion piece|7| ▼ GameStop is reinventing the rental wheel with their Power Pass service. Could this be the future of the company, and more importantly, where do we sign? CommerceGameStopdispatches.cheatcc.com Read Full Story >> ...
The news has been filled with stories about GameStop and the short squeeze that is occurring around its shares. Here are my personal thoughts.