4.5–Kinfire Chronicles: Night’s Fall 4.5–Kingsburg 4.5–Kingdomino Origins 4.5–Kronologic: Paris 1920 4.5–Lacuna 4.5–Libertalia: Winds of Galecrest 4.5–Lisboa 4.5–Lord of the Rings: The One Ring RPG 4.5–Lords of Waterdeep 4.5–Lorenzo il Magnifico 4.5–The Lost Ruins of Arnak 4.5–...
Your implementation of Le Havre is almost perfect. Can you just add pinch zoom into the phone app. Also a chat system that works and appears better. A repeat nudge button to online players that alerts their opponent that it is their turn cause they might not have heard it the first time...
While I'd be fine with using the BGG "Fans Also Like" to discuss this, the make-as-you-play games by and large don't have enough of um... "whatever it takes" to get those recommendations, but that's not true of the https://recommend.games/ site, and that's where there's ...
A couple of years ago Sara VanderWal @SaraCV suggested to me that a great challenge was to play your collection every year. The idea being that if you aren't playing your games, perhaps it is time they get passed on to someone else who will play them.Now this is going to work ...
Le Havre Play Time: 30 - 150 mins Year: 2008 Publisher: Lookout Games Plays: 3Last: 02/17/2022 - Armando(134) 5 70 3 7.4 (2) Distilled (Owned By Don) Play Time: 30 - 150 mins Year: 2023 Publisher: Paverson Games Plays: 2Last: 07/20/2023 - Paul(82) 5 332 2 7.4 (2) El...
This is the game of the moment right now for me (Nov/Dec 09). I like the way it plays and works great with 4 and 5 players. With fewer players the game starts to break down and even with 3 which it says that it supports. I realize that this is a matter of taste.Not to be ...
Abomination: The Heir of Frankenstein Above and Below Abyss Accentuate Acquire Ad Astra Adrenaline Adventure Games: The Dungeon Adventure Land Adversity Aeon's End Aerion Aftermath Age of Empires III Age of Primes Age of Steam Age of War
Merchants of the Middle Ages Merkator Mermaid Beach Mermaid Island Mesozooic Meteor Metro Metropolys MetroX Mexican Train Miaui Mice and Mystics Michigan Rummy Micropolis MindTrap Minecraft Card Game? Minecraft: Builders & Biomes Minerals Mini Rails Mint Delivery Mint Works Mirror, Mirror Mission: Re...
“I think one of the things he could improve is his play with the ball. I would not say he is poor in that, but he could improve, he could go to another level, and I think he works really hard to improve that, and I already see this improvement. Defensively, he’s of the ...
As second game in this series, Le Havre was published in October 2008. He married Susanne Balders on 18 May 2007. He lives in Gütersloh and works at his studio in Dortmund. (Source: Uwe Rosenberg. (2009, May 9). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 15:10, May 27, 2009, ...