Sean Bean, who played Stark patriarch Ned, was featured heavily in all of the promos for Game of Thrones and was a selling point to many new fans. This made his beheading in Season One that much more shocking. Daughter Sansa begged King Joffrey not to go through with it, but was ...
After Sunday's Game of Thrones finale, "The Winds of Winter," there was a sense of ... well, finality in the air. The last shots show the remaining players in the game: Cersei on the Iron Throne, Jon Snow at Winterfell being hailed as King of the…
1. Whenever you play the game of thrones, you either win or die. There is no middle ground.在权利的游戏中,你不当赢家,就只有死路一条,没有中间地带。 2. Some war against sword and spear to win, and the others the crow and the paper to win.有的胜利靠宝剑和长矛赢取,有的胜利则要靠纸...
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground.你玩权利的游戏,结局要么赢、要么死。没有其他选择。 L朱伟老师的微博视频 小窗口 û收藏 7 25 ñ99 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候... “恋练”系...
When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground. 你玩权利的游戏,结局要么赢、要么死。没有其他选择。
6. When you play the game of the thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground. 这是最能代表这个故事的一句话了吧,出自皇后之口。Eddard不自愿的介入了这场博弈,没胜利然后就死了。。。 7. Keep away from me. “离我远点。”(来自Dany的哥哥)我一直以为这是个中式英语的表达,没想到...
Game of Thrones 时间When? “Winter is coming”是北方Stark家族的口头禅,天天挂在嘴上,生怕人不知道似的。按照意思,所谓的严冬"Winter"意指“人类的大灾难”,每隔一段时间就会来一次,大家要做好准备,这部剧的具体时间不可知,因为是虚拟世界,但是其中的含义还是相通。
Game of Thrones, American fantasy TV series created by David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, based on the Song of Ice and Fire novels by George R.R. Martin. The HBO series ran for eight seasons between 2011 and 2019 and became one of the most acclaimed programs
“When there’s a naked woman on the screen, people start making judgments about it,” Bianco said. “I’ve been over here [in Los Angeles] sinceGame of Thronescame out, so I don’t know how different the reaction has been in Europe, where people are a lot more tolerant of nudity ...
Game of Thrones - A Telltale Games Series is a six part episodic game series set in the world of HBO's groundbreaking TV show. This new story tells of House Forrester, a noble family from the north of Westeros, loyal to the Starks of Winterfell.