Game of Thrones Iron T… Bend the Knee Mother of Dragons Kingsguard Summer is Coming Throne Wars My Watch is Ended The Night King Three-Eyed Raven Hold the Door A Girl Has No Name I Drink and I Know Thi… The Hound and Arya
When accused of his crimes, Littlefinger was all “Um, you can’t do anything about it because nobody was there to see me do it,” but Bran finally proved he isn’t utterly useless and pulled out all of the receipts, because he is the Three-Eyed Raven. Littlefinger: None of you w...
If we recounted all of the Game of Thrones show and book differences, we’d type more words than George R.R. Martin needs to finish The Winds of Winter, so we’ll stick to the most major changes Game of Thrones made from the books. Why all of the changes? It...
Season eight of Game of Thrones is finally here, and OMFG, we're still more obsessed than ever. Between Daenerys and Jon's interactions and Arya and Gendry reuniting, we're having a damn heart attack. Basically, we're bigger fans than ever before, and we want to show that devotion with...
bruised because she’s so clumsy – when fighting is heard. Septa tells Sansa to run to her rooms and bolt the door. Sansa takes off….and Sept comes face to face with five guards. With bloody swords. We don’t see what happens to her. (We don’t see her the rest of this ...
By the way, she made Jon and his coterie give up all their weapons and the rowboat that would ferry them back to their ship, so, uh, they’re trapped here. Unfortunately, so much of what happens onGame of Thronesis just the same five to seven things — backstabbing, front-stabbing...
Mance Rayder:Dead on the show when he refuses to bend the knee. Jon Snow mercy-kills him with an arrow before he can burn at the stake. In the books, Melisandre glamors Rattleshirt to look like Mance and the wilding is burnt at the stake, instead of Mance. ...
To stay up to date on everythingGame of Thrones, follow our all-encompassingFacebook page. Before he goes, Jon pays a visit to the family crypt. In slinks Littlefinger, who starts purring sweet nothings in Jon's ear, and you can see him getting increasingly annoyed. Don't think for ...
THIS IS THE LAST EPISODE AND THEREFORE THE LAST TWITTER POST! (Part 1) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! (Part 1 of aaaaaa) @Axechuckerand@WatchersOTWall! If you don’t get it by now, you never will. ….Go! Happy Game of Thrones Finale Day!#GOTFinale ...
If we recounted all of the Game of Thrones show and book differences, we’d type more words than George R.R. Martin needs to finish The Winds of Winter, so ...