Join the battle in Game of Thrones Winter is Coming, Yoozoo's new real-time strategy browser game. Play the role of an ambitious Westeros lord, determined to save a land plagued by war and put a stop to the endless disputes between the Seven Kingdoms. Th
NetworkHBO Release Date17.04.2011 End Date19.05.2019 Latest stories “They really regretted putting us in scenes together”: The 2 House Stark Actors Who Admitted They Were a ‘Nightmare’ to Work With After Game of Thrones Season 1 Load More ...
Sean Bean, who played Stark patriarch Ned, was featured heavily in all of the promos for Game of Thrones and was a selling point to many new fans. This made his beheading in Season One that much more shocking. Daughter Sansa begged King Joffrey not to go through with it, but was ...
2011年4月17日,《权力的游戏》(Game of Thrones)在HBO电视网首度亮相。本月,这部热门美剧就将迎来开播十周年的纪念日,而一系列“马拉松”(MaraThrone)式的庆典活动也将随之展开,贯穿整个四月。What unites people?什么能联结人心?Armies?军队?Gold?金子?Flags?旗帜?Stories?故事?You're in the great ...
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第六季结束了一直想截个视频,就拖啊拖。超爱史塔克一家 Bgm:London Music Works - Requiem For a Tower(不要觉得跳戏啊) 对了 3分多后的字幕来源@FIX字幕侠 希望各位喜欢,希望狼家下一季正儿八经开个大大大大的挂吧 幺西~食用愉快 影视 影视剪辑 ...
外文名:Game of Thrones 其它译名:冰与火之歌、王座游戏 出品公司:HBO电视网 制片地区:美国 拍摄地点:北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特泰坦尼克区、马耳他 发行公司:Home Box Office (HBO) 首播时间:2011年4月17日(美国) 导演:戴维·贝尼奥夫、D·B·威斯、Alan Taylor 编剧:乔治·马丁, 戴维·贝尼奥夫,D.B.Weiss 主演:伊...
美国亚马逊 Game of Thrones - Stark Stained Glass - T-Shirt历史价格和网友评论,海淘商品名Game of Thrones - Stark Stained Glass - T-Shirt
外文名:Game of Thrones 其它译名:冰与火之歌、王座游戏 出品公司:HBO电视网 制片地区:美国 拍摄地点:北爱尔兰贝尔法斯特泰坦尼克区、马耳他 发行公司:Home Box Office (HBO) 首播时间:2011年4月17日(美国) 导演:戴维·贝尼奥夫、D·B·威斯、Alan Taylor ...