It’s pretty crazy to think about all of the “Game of Thrones” spinoffs that HBO has been in some sort of development on since the finale of the series aired. And with one spinoff already set to go into production in a month or so, “House of the Dragon,” it appears that HBO...
Game of Thrones‘ Jon Snow famously came back from the dead, but a sequel centered on the character seems unlikely to do so. In a new interview with GQ, Kit Harington— who played Jon for all eight seasons of the HBO drama — offers fresh details regarding why a proposed spinoff based...
The Best Superhero TV Show Of All Time, According To IMDb 1/5/2025 by Devin Meenan Slash Film Make sure to watch Season 2 of 'Anne Rice's Mayfair Witches' 1/6/2025 by Matt Tamanini The Streamable When to Watch ‘The Curious Case of Natalia Grace: The Final Chapter’ Documentary Seri...
The projectfirst emerged in media reports back in the summer of 2022, when it was rumored that Harington was attached to a spinoff series that would follow Jon Snow after the events ofGame of Thrones’ eighth season. It’s been fairly quiet since then regarding this potentialGame of Thrones...
Related:Why HBO Ignored George R.R. Martin’s Plan To Save Game Of Thrones The stakes are higher for a close-setGame of Thronesspinoff prequel because fans know what comes next and how catastrophic the events in this timeline are, especially since the Tourney at Harrenhal serves as an orig...
Game of Thrones: George R.R. Martin Clearly Based One Great House of Westeros on The Norse God Trio of Loki, Thor, and Odin 12/14/2024 by Ariane Cruz FandomWire The Highest Rated Episode of Game of Thrones Gave Birth to the Most Legendary Kit Harington Meme ...
Life is a waiting game for Game of Thrones fans. The show’s long-awaited final season debuted after a 20-month hiatus, and as shocking as that was then, it set the tone for its spin-offs. The latest season of House of the Dragon came after a two-year wait, and it’s safe t...
Martin, who co-wrote the spin-off, teased a shorter ride than Game of Thrones' other spinoff, House of the Dragon. "The Hedge Knight will be a lot shorter than Game of Thrones or House of the Dragon, with a much different tone... but it's still Westeros, so no one is truly ...
the project remains the onlyThronesspinoff HBO has developed that would be set after the events of that monumental TV series. That fact alone, along with Harington’s reported involvement, immediately madeSnowone of the most interestingThrones-related projects that HBO has conside...
HBO explored various concepts for Game of Thrones spinoff shows, but only House of the Dragon has made it to screens as of now. One of the canceled projects, Bloodmoon, came the closest to being made and even had a pilot episode, but HBO ultimately had concerns about the amount of inv...