《冰与火之歌》英文版1~5盒装版 黑火叛乱(Blackfyre Rebellion)是一场坦格利安家族和觊觎铁王座的黑火之间的内战,通常是指“第一次黑火叛乱”。 背景 184AC年初,伊耿四世在临终前将自己所有的私生子合法化。他的贵族私生子被称为高贵私生子,其中最著名的是戴蒙·黑火,一名伟大的战士,和坦格利安国王之剑黑火的...
爱给网提供海量的爱给模型库资源素材免费下载, 本次作品为fbx 格式的黑色Fyre_王权游戏_(BlackFyre _Game of Thrones_), 本站编号62012426, 该爱给模型库素材大小为11m, 点数为2729, 面数为5402, 含贴图, 许可范围为可商用,署名,协议名称为CC署名4.0, 作者为Yanez Designs, 更多精彩爱给模型库素材,尽在爱给...
黑火家族 黑火家族(House Blackfyre),是王领一支已灭亡的贵族家庭。它是由“高贵的私生子”之一的戴蒙·黑火建立,是坦格利安家族的分支。戴蒙以名剑“黑火”之名命名他的家族。他们的家徽是坦格利安家徽的反转,是红底上的三头黑龙。[1] 黑火家族自坦格利安血脉中遗传到了诸多特点,包括:白金发色、非人般的美貌、紫眸...
On his deathbed, he legitimized all of his bastards, which led to the First Blackfyre Rebellion where his children all fought to be the true heir to the Iron Throne. Brynden was later sent to the Night’s Watch, where he was lost north of the Wall and presumed dead. There are ...
During the First Blackfyre Rebellion, Daemon Blackfyre, another of Aegon IV’s bastard sons, tried to take the throne from Aegon IV’s legitimate son, Daeron II. Following this rebellion, Bittersteel left his family and left Westeros, going on to found the Golden Company. This was one ...
Aegon Targaryen's original conquest of the Seven Kingdoms would be pretty intense, but there's also the Dance of Dragons, when a Targaryen prince battled a princess over who would succeed their father on the Iron Throne, and the Blackfyre Rebellion, when a bunch of legitimized Targaryen ...
Beyond the Blackfyre Rebellions, Robert’s Rebellion threw the continent into more distress, and his own lack of desire for the throne left a power vacuum that allowed corruption and profligacy to flourish. When he died, the country was already destabilized, and the fact that the line of succ...
By legitimizing his many bastards upon his death, Aegon IV created the conditions for the Blackfyre Rebellion that led to innumerable death and destruction for generations to come. 29. Maegor I A bad person isn’t automatically a bad ruler. The world can be a cruel place and sometimes it...
The Dance of Dragons· Game of Thrones: Conquest & Rebellion: An Animated History of the Seven Kingdoms (Chapter 1· 2· 3· 4· 5· 6· 7· 8· 9· 10) Production Production timeline· Filming locations· Opening credits Source material A Song of Ice and Fire ...
First Blackfyre Rebellion 196 AC: King Aegon IV Targaryen had legitimised all of his bastards on his deathbed. His noble bastards were called the Great Bastards, the most notable of whom was Daemon Blackfyre, a great warrior and wielder of the Targaryen sword of kings, Blackfyre. In 184 Al...