Game of Thrones This war develops after the death of King Robert Baratheon (played by Mark Addy) and the resulting feud between his friend and ally Lord Eddard (“Ned”)Stark(Sean Bean) and Robert’s widow, Queen Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey), and her children. The conflict draws in two...
The North is finally back in Stark hands, but what was the price of returning it to its rightful owners? Jon Snow seemed to feel the weight of the "Battle of the Bastards" cost near the end of the penultimate episode ofGame of ThronesSeason 6. While many episodes don't flinch when it...
Game of Thrones: Seasons 1-8 Series 1 75 Episodes HBO 2019 Action/Adventure,Drama English Audio CCUnrated Based on the popular book series “A Song of Ice and Fire” by George R.R. Martin, this complete series includes all eight seasons of this epic Emmy®-winning... ...
These wild Game of Thrones theories might sound crazy...but are they? This list of Game of Thrones predictions will make you question all of the seven ...
"Binge Mode" Battle of the Bastard - Game of Thrones (Podcast Episode 2017) - Movies, TV, Celebs, and more...
Game of Thrones: Directed by Cédric Lagarrigue. With James Cosmo, Conleth Hill, Jeffrey Hrebenach, Mircea Mike Mandrut. Enter the gritty and medieval fantasy world of Westeros as players will forge alliances and wage battles as they play a pivotal role
Game of Thrones This war develops after the death of King Robert Baratheon (played by Mark Addy) and the resulting feud between his friend and ally Lord Eddard (“Ned”)Stark(Sean Bean) and Robert’s widow, Queen Cersei Lannister (Lena Headey), and her children. The conflict draws in two...
Game of Thrones: Seasons 1-8 Season 1 139 episodes HBO 2019 Drama English audio CC TV-MA 2,154 Based on the popular book series “A Song of Ice and Fire” by George R.R. Martin, this complete series includes all...
"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die." ―Cersei Lannister[src]Game of Thrones[2] is the first live-action television series of the World of Westeros. It is the first installment of the franchise overall. It is based on the novel series A Song of Ice and Fire, ...
This will for sure be the best new show on television next year. The books this show is based on are on par with Lord of the Rings quality wise, but more realistic, dark and gritty. By the way "Game of Thrones" is scored by oscar winner Stephen Warbeck,