2016 dusan reljin save save considering that she's best known for making game of thrones viewers squirm in sympathy for her agonizing portrayal of sansa stark—a damsel regularly subjected to some of the most depraved (
the Thrones Merch trade has come out as cutthroat as the Red ceremony, with all from GoT-inspired art jar to GoT- branded to Oreos, normally, themed gear such as Adidas Ultra boost in the flags of the warring houses as well as a John Varvatos brief of thrones...
Game of Thrones Game of Thrones Kit Harington lands movie role in comedy sequel Watch the trailer for Emilia Clarke's Xmas film Sophie Turner on "incredibly sad" divorce A Game of Thrones movie is in the works Peter Dinklage's new movie arrives on Prime Video...
Let's not mince words: part of the success ofGame of Thronesis that hummable opening theme (“doo doooooooo doo-de-dooooooo, doo-de-dooooooooooo!”) and the nifty gearpunk credits sequence that goes with it. But for Season 8, there's something new. The Night King (with the aid of...
“I surrounded myself with people who either hadn’t watched [Game of Thrones], didn’t really care about the show, or did care about the show but didn’t want to talk about it. With people who weren’t really interested in that world,” th...
Beware: There areSPOILERSfor Game of Thrones Season 8 Episode 5 below. Game of Thronesfandom remains very divided over the show’s final season, with some viewers complaining that the series has lost its way, and questioning some of the characters’ decisions for the sake of big plot twists...
Helen Sloan/courtesy of HBO Not much of “Eastwatch,” the fifth episode of the seventh season of HBO’sGame of Thrones, actually took place at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea, save the final scenes. It was more about what was headed towards there, and how everyone reacted to or ig...
and they’re also winning the Game ofGame of Thrones. As a nice bookend to this King’s Landing trip, Cersei convinces a representative from the Iron Bank to back her over Daenerys, who she paints as a scary “revolutionary” and slave-trade disruptor. Also, I learned the word “pr...
Fire & Bloodexplores the history of House Targaryen, whose coat of arms features the three-headed dragon. The book’s tagline reads “300 years beforeA Game of Thrones, dragons ruled Westeros” — which gives you a pretty good sense of the show’s timeline. ...
Welcome, lords, knights, and wights toThe Ringer’s definitiveGame of Thronesepisode ranking. From classics like “Hardhome” and “Blackwater,” through Season 8’s ups (like “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms”) and downs (like “The Last of the Starks”), our staff has broken down each...