Game of Silence: Created by David Hudgins. With David Lyons, Michael Raymond-James, Larenz Tate, Bre Blair. A rising attorney finds his perfectly crafted life threatened when his long-lost childhood friends threaten to expose a dark secret from their pas
从头骨大小来看 我认为是死者是男性青少年 The size of that skull,i'm thinking adolescent male, 大约 12 至 14 岁 Maybe 12 to 14 years old. 不 我们目前不知道性别 No, we don't know the gender. 实际上 我们是知道的 尸骨被发现时是被包裹在那条毯子里的 Actually, we do. The bones were ...
内容提示: 沉默游戏 前情提要 Previously on Game of Silence... 你不应该卖♥♥掉这个地方的 You shouldn't have to sell this place. 我别无选择 肖恩 I don't have a choice, Shawn. 我们想要你们公♥司♥的生意 We want your business. 所有业务 - 我订婚了 - All of ...
-沉默游戏前情提要-还有胶卷盒 - Previously on Game of Silence... - Film canisters. 没人会用胶卷这些太旧了 No one uses film; this has got to be old. 和奎特曼一样吗 Like Quitman old? 我们决定雇佣你们事务所作为法律顾问 We would like to hire your firm as our counsel. 太好了 That's...
JACKSON: We were just a bunch -of innocent kidsfrom Brennan - (whoops) Yeah! having the time of our lives. => - (百日咳) - 是啊!杰克逊:我们只是一群来自布伦南的无辜的孩子 - (哎呀)是的!有我们的生活的时间。 (whooping) We had no idea what was coming. => (百日咳)我们不知道会发生...
文档标签: 中英文对照 系统标签: silence 中英文 quitman 剧本 game hearts 加里·诺兰(靴弟) 1978.7.14-2015.8.25 加里·诺兰(靴弟)讣告彼得·柯蒂斯的照片奎特曼少管所鲍施苗圃德克萨斯州哈里斯郡杰克逊·布鲁克斯收 国会议员竞选 -沉默游戏前情提要-近来如何啊老弟 -PreviouslyonGameofSilence...-Howyoudoing,lit...
NBC正马不停蹄地预备新年度,他们预订了新试映集《沉默游戏 Game of Silence》。这也是第一部土耳其电视剧被美国改编。 《沉默游戏》是根据土耳其电视剧《Suskunlar》改编,NBC还为此付了独占惩罚金。据说NBC和索尼电视已经设立了编剧工作室,给编剧们创作前13集的剧本。
外部播放此歌曲> Vincenzo Tempera、Carlo Marchino、Andrea Fedeli - Game of Silence 专辑:Creative Sounds, Vol. 222 歌手:Vincenzo TemperaCarlo MarchinoAndrea Fedeli 还没有歌词哦
Game of Silence Andrea Fedeli / Carlo Marchino / Vincenzo Tempera专辑:Creative Sounds, Vol. 222流派:流行 立即播放 收藏 分享 下载歌曲 作曲:Andrea Fedeli,Carlo Marchino,Vincenzo Tempera 暂无歌词 同歌手歌曲 Inside Empty HouseAndrea Fedeli,Carlo Marchino,Vincenzo Tempera Stamped TicketAndrea Fedeli,Car...
Game of Silence(TV Series) Ghosts of Quitman(2016) It looks like we don't have any photos or quotes yet. Be the first to contribute!Add a photooradd a quote. See also Release Dates|Official Sites|Company Credits|Filming & Production|Technical Specs ...