Indo-British sports drama “A Game of Two Halves,” which champions equal opportunities for underprivileged children through soccer, has unveiled its first trailer.The coming-of-age film, set across the U.K. and India, follows Sanjay, a young British student grappling with questions of belonging...
To setup a recording in the main window of TeraTech Home Cinema click on the recordings link and select new. Set the time for the start of the show, then set the time for the end of the show. Click done and the recording will be added to the recording schedule. Wait until your recor...
To setup a recording in the main window of TeraTech Home Cinema click on the recordings link and select new. Set the time for the start of the show, then set the time for the end of the show. Click done and the recording will be added to the recording schedule. Wait until your recor...