This method of play continues until one player is down to one tile. In which case the total spots on the one remaining tile have to equal the dice total (see strategy).The hand ends when the moment one player has used all his dominoes or all players are down to one domino. One tile...
Double dominoes are special cases in the Mexican Train game, and they have their own rules. When a player plays a double on a train, she gets to play another domino on that turn, either on the double, or on another available train. If she chooses to not play on the double, or canno...
After the cross has been built, the next tile played to each arm must be a double matching the free end of that arm of the cross. Once a double has been played to an arm, it can be extended by playing further dominoes according to the rules of ordinary dominoes. An arm can be ...
Note: Unlike standard American Dominoes rules, in this game the first tile (Spinner) thrown out on the board is not always a double.As play progresses, the domino chain gradually increases in length. If one end of the domino chain goes off the screen, click Up / Down / Left / Right ...
Rules of the Game General Rules Play, from person to person, moves clockwise around the table. In the picture on the right, notice that all adjacent dominoes share a common suit (number/color). So dominoes can be played only on dominoes of like suit. On any turn, a player does not ha...
The All Fives Domino game is also referred to as Muggins or Five-Up or Sniffone. In All-Fives Dominoes games points may be awarded during the play of the hand by making the exposed ends of the chain total to a multiple of five (5). We describe The All-Fives Dominoes rules for the...
A player is chosen as the banker or the House acts as the permanent bank. The dealer shuffles the dominoes, facedown, and then deals himself and the players three tiles each. Each player then looks at their tiles and makes two hands by arranging the tiles side by side and reading the ...
Other dominoes links: is your dominoes portal, where it's all dominoes, all the time, with domino rules, domino history, domino books, and a comprehensive listing of domino games for Windows, Macintosh, PocketPC, PalmOS, and online play. ...
The row of dominoes across the top is the public "Mexican Train" and is an open train available to everyone, all the time. The general rules of Mexican Train Dominoes include: Each round starts with a double, which is a domino that is the same on both sides, like 12|12. Double blank...
Dominoes A graph is called a domino if every vertex is contained in at most two maximal cliques. The class of dominoes properly contains the class of line graphs of bipartite graphs, and is in turn properly contained in the class of claw-free gra... T Kloks,D Kratsch,H Müller - Inte...