我自己倒是没有遭遇过这么夸张的经历,但是有过上厕所或是扔垃圾回来系统就自动重启,而根据官方梅姐鸟森(Major Nelson)的介绍来看,最新的Windows 10 October 2018 Update会让游戏模式更加安静,不会再出现游戏中提示你重启的噩梦,当然这是建立在你没有遗失数据的前提下。
Way 1. Turn off Windows Game Bar and Game DVR In order to fix the computer stuttering issue, you can choose to turn off Windows Game Bar and Game DVR first.
To optimize performance, you can take advantage of Game Mode in Windows to provide your gamers with the best possible gaming experience by fully utilizing the capacity of their current hardware.The Windows Performance Toolkit (WPT) consists of performance monitoring tools that produce in-depth ...
“BSNES HD” is a fork of BSNES - it can render mode 7 scaling in HD, among other features. 👴 Old Recommendation: ZSNES Accuracy: Mid Download: My Emulators Page Help: ZSNES Tutorial ZSNES is a legendary emulator that was #1 in the early days of emulation and throughout the 2000s....
Close themselves and their own windows, and delay the closing of their app Permissions info Installation Get this app while signed in to your Microsoft account and install on up to ten Windows 10 devices. Language supported English (United States) ...
在Windows操作系统中(Mac OS或Unix等系统同理),系统会提供两种操作模式,一种称为用户模式(User Mode),一种称为内核模式(Kernel Mode)。用户模式显然就是面向玩家的,在这种模式支配下,玩家们可以在操作系统中顺畅地运行各类游戏、软件。而内核模式则是面向硬件的,它所起的作用是让操作系统能够顺畅地与硬件资源通信...
要搞定这些游戏,我们需要先确认Z690主板使用的是最新版本BIOS,然后进入BIOS,开启其中新增的Legacy Game Compatibility Mode(老游戏兼容模式),保存并退出。在启动游戏之前先按下键盘的Scroll Lock(滚动锁定按键)激活该功能,之后启动这些受到影响的游戏,进入游戏后再关闭Scroll Lock键。英特尔当然也会与Denuvo合作解决...
Intel此前已经公布了不兼容游戏清单,Windows 11、Windows 10系统下都有,但一直没有给出彻底的解决方法。今天,技嘉率先为旗下Z690系列主板发布了一个修复工具“DRM Fix Tool”,使用方法非常简单,只有一个exe可执行文件,打开后点击“Park”就行了。至于修复原理,非常暴力,就是直接关掉小核心(E核)。同时,需要...
Click to select theRun this program in compatibility mode forcheck box, and then selectWindows 98/Windows Mefrom the list. ClickOK. If the issue continues to occur, go to the next method. Method 5: Update the video driver Contact the manufacturer of the video adapter for information about ...
Windows 7 or Windows Vista Step 1: Open User Accounts ClickStart , type Control nusrmgr.cpl in theStart Searchbox, and then press ENTER. ClickUser Accounts. If you are prompted for an administrator password or for a confirmation, type the password, or provide confirmation. ...