今天给大家介绍Humble Bundle的游戏资产超级包 - 【Game Dev Asset Mega Bundle Unreal Engine & Unity Bundle】。最多一档包含40件商品,最高折扣99% Off。平均1.5刀购买1个资源。affiliate https://humblebundleinc.sjv.io/QjK4yP我每周分享游戏开发资源和有趣故事,
介绍Humble Bundle最新虚幻游戏开发资源包 - 【UNREAL ENGINE ULTIMATE GAME DEV ASSETS】,由Sidearm Studios出品。最高一档有28件商品。最高折扣超过98% Off。 affiliate https://www.humblebundle.com/software/unreal-engine-ultimate-game-dev-assets-software?partner=leetgamedev 我每周分享游戏开发资源和有趣故事...
Runtime VRM loader for UnrealEngine4. Contribute to game-maker-ly/VRM4U development by creating an account on GitHub.
001 Game Creator is a Graphically Assisted Scripting engine for beginners and advanced users alike. Developers can quickly prototype ideas, test complex systems and build single player and online/local multiplayer experiences for Windows PC, HTML5 and...
虽然缺少程序可以去做桌面游戏,但还是要做电子游戏为主。有不少简单的游戏引擎/工具可以不需要代码基础就做出牛逼的效果。GameMaker、RPGMaker、UnrealEngine蓝图、Unity PlayMaker插件等。 因为缺少程序去编写复杂的逻辑,游戏的设计方向可以集中到声画表现上,着重在故事和内涵上。比如《To the Moon》那样讲一个简简单单...
专用引擎:一些公司为特定类型的游戏开发了专用引擎。例如,RPG Maker专注于角色扮演游戏的开发,提供了简化的工具和界面。 跨平台引擎:这些引擎支持多种平台,如PC、主机和移动设备。Unity和Cocos2d-x都是跨平台引擎,使得开发者能够一次开发,随处发布。 游戏引擎的优势 Advantages of Game Engines ...
GameMaker Studio 2is a game engine developed by YoYo Games. This game engine also provides cross-platform game development with a drag-and-drop programming language called Game Maker Language. Although this game engine was designed for novice users, developers can also use the supported scripting ...
Game engine maker Unity has launched a developer program to help its users build experiences to run on the forthcoming Apple Vision Pro.
The game industry resource for breaking news and in-depth analysis of the latest game industry tech and trends.
而在游戏制作上,逻辑模块将让它脱离只具备观赏作用的艺术品行列,实际操作起来有点类似于《RPG Maker》这一类对新手极为友好的游戏开发工具,为场景中的物品添加事件触发器。虽然官方保证“没那么复杂”,但实际操作起来跟从“1+1”到满屏幕公式的数学课差不多 《Dreams》作为一款游戏开发工具,其实用性当然没有...