FPS:212 根据上图,我们可以看到,win10自带的录制功能对显卡的压力比较小,所以帧数有一点点提升,对CPU有一点点的压力,但是并没有比TGP自带的高出多少,完全是可以接受的范围。 下面我们看看两者录制的图像。 左面的是Game DVR,右面的是TGP自带。 显而易见,Gamer DVR的分辨率是1080P 30FPS,而TGP录制的却是720P...
从上图可见,Win10自带录制功能对显卡影响较小,帧数略有提升,对CPU影响微弱,与TGP相差不大,完全在可接受范围内。接下来,比较录制图像。左边是Game DVR,右边是TGP录制。清晰度和流畅度明显,Game DVR为1080P 30FPS,而TGP仅为720P 15FPS。图像清晰、流畅、低占用率、操作简便,是Game DVR的优势。
Way 1. Turn off Windows Game Bar and Game DVR In order to fix the computer stuttering issue, you can choose to turn off Windows Game Bar and Game DVR first. Now, here is the tutorial. 1. Press Windows key and I key together to open Settings. 2. In the Settings window, click ...
AfterWindows 10 October Creators Update, settings for Game screen capture can be found outside the Xbox application. Therefore, before attempting to find Game DVR and Game Bar settings make sure that you’ve updated your Windows to the latest version. ...
现在微软注意到了这个问题,据外媒BetaNews报道,微软在最新的Windows 10中集成了一款截图、录屏软件“Game bar”。当按下Windows键(即徽标键)+G的时候,就能呼出“Game bar”浮动工具条,点yes启用。 其中红色按钮用于开始录制,再次点击可以停止(或使用徽标键+Alt+R的组合快捷键)。
Hallo, if i record with Windows 10 Game-DVR on my Intel HD Graphics 630, the Video look like Diashow. I dont know is that Intel or Microsoft Problem.
选择“游戏DVR”或“游戏剪辑”。 此操作将刷新“游戏玩法设置”页面,并显示游戏剪辑信息。选择“创建新字符串”按钮。 将出现“新建游戏 dvr 字符串”对话框。输入游戏 DVR 字符串,然后单击“确认”按钮。启用Windows 游戏的游戏 DVR选中合作伙伴中心的客户可使用 Windows 10 功能录制和广播游戏片段可以启用 Windows...
To record game clips with Game DVR on Windows 10, your PC’s video card must support one of these encoders: Intel Quick Sync H.264 NVidia NVENC AMD VCE To check the video card on your PC, go to the search box on the taskbar and search for “device manager.” In Device Manager, ...
As you may already know, there is a built-in Game DVR tool in Windows 10 which allows capturing screenshots and recording gameplay videos for games you play in the OS. By default, this content is saved on the system drive under your user profile. Here is how to change the Game DVR Cap...
使用Digital Video Repair (DVR),你可以轻易修复从互联网(eDonkey、BitTorrent等)或本地网络(DC++)...