更新 大幅提高文件上传限制,最高150M (2024-4-1) 科研通是完全免费的文献互助平台,具备全网最快的应助速度,最高的求助完成率。 对每一个文献求助,科研通都将尽心尽力,给求助人一个满意的交代。实时播报 高高问柳发布了新的文献求助10 刚刚 丘比特的应助被义气机器猫采纳,获得10 1秒前 西瓜哥完成签到,获得...
Beginning with Unity 5.4, Unity supports Direct3D 12 development. Táblázat kibontása The Unity game engineUnity - Game Engine Get UnityGet Unity Unity documentation for WindowsUnity Manual / Windows Add LiveOps using PlayFabQuickstart: PlayFab Client library for C# in Unity ...
using UnityEngine; public class Mover : MonoBehaviour { public float speed = 5f; void Update() { transform.position += Vector3.forward * (speed * Time.deltaTime); } } In this example the script’s transform has its position added to every Update call - that is, every frame - in the...
Unity 项目的设置方式与 Unreal 项目类似,但资源管理方式存在重大差异。 资源存储在哪里 在Unity 中,包括源代码在内的所有资源都存储在“Assets”文件夹中,而不是将“内容”和“源代码”相分离。 选择要展开的图像 唯一的例外是“Package”文件夹,Unity 的 Package Manager 使用它来存储已安装的包(类似于 Unreal...
Native Integration with Windows 10: Platform Light-UpNative integration with the OS from within a Unity game is handled the same way it was previously: If you’re compiling using the .NET Core compilation option in Unity (using the NETFX_CORE pre-pro...
使用此主题可使用 GDK Unity 包创建“成就”、“云存档”和“登录”的示例场景。GDK Unity 包中的示例示例内置在包中,作为 C# 代码和示例场景。 内置后,可使用“生成和运行”菜单来查看功能示例(如选择解锁成就按钮来解锁成就)。 要检查并加载示例场景,请转到“GDK-PC\Examples”文件...
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class LaserBehaviour : MonoBehaviour { // How long the laser will live public float lifetime = 2.0f; // How fast will the laser move public float speed = 5.0f; // How much damage will this laser do if we hit an enemy public int dam...
Development of Mobile Game Using Multiplatform (Unity3D) Game Engine In this study, the smart game based on Unity3D, a multiplatform game engine, was tried to be developed. Unity3D, as an integrated developed tool, provides ... AH Kim,JH Bae - 《International Journal of Intelligent Informatio...