cmdpp1943 / GameFramework cnedwin / GameFramework cnsuhao / GameFramework CoCoXXXX / GameFramework coder-lipenghui / GameFramework CodeWallace / GameFramework coffic / GameFramework Colooooooo / GameFramework ColorfulShare / GameFramework colourstar / GameFramework conglifu / GameFramework ...
$ pitaya-cli Pitaya REPL Client >>> connect localhost:3250 connected! >>> request >>> sv-> {"code":0,"result":"ok"} Running the tests make test This command will run both unit and e2e tests. Contributing #TODO ...
What should I do if error code 13 (indicating a user sign-in failure) is displayed after a user cancels the installation of HMS Core? Can a guest play a game? How will the game respond when a user signs out? Why does the authentication fail when I attempt to sign in to the game ...
Close the Epic Games launcher by right-clicking the system tray icon in the bottom right corner and then clickingExit. Click the WindowsStartbutton. Type "cmd", right-clickCommand Prompt,and then clickRun as administrator. In the window that opens, type "sfc /scan...
4.打开BuildSettings->ProjectSettings->OtherSettings->设置 ApiCompatibilityLevel* = .NET 4.x 和 AllowUnsafeCode勾上,2021版本后是ApiCompatibilityLevel* = .NET Framework 5.创建服务器项目,使用控制台或窗体程序都可以,也可以统一在unity的Assembly-CSharp项目里添加新建服务器项目 ...
The JSON code below is in response to the call /media/en-us/details?ids=6c5402e4-3cd5-4b29-a9c4-bec7d2c7514a&mediaGroup=GameType.C++ Copy { "Items": [{ "MediaGroup": "GameType", "MediaItemType": "DGame", "ID": "fd16e2fb-eca4-4182-8f69-a98fdd6e57a1", "Name...
在Project 窗口中,选择已创建的可用物品(文件路径:Assets/Creator Kit - Beginner Code/Prefabs/InGameItem)。 2.在Inspector 中,找到 Add New Effect 字段。从下拉菜单中选择你的使用效果。 3. 在Description 中添加使用效果的描述。 4.按Ctrl + S (Windows) 或 Cmd + S (macOS) 来保存更改。 5. 在...
If you are getting an error not described here, see the error list in the xbox::services::xbox_live_error_code documentation, to get more information about the error codes. You can also refer to errors.h in the XSAPI includes.If you are unable to sign in with your title, post a ...
Lambda(RHICmdList); } FORCEINLINE_DEBUGGABLE TStatIdGetStatId()const{#ifSTATSstaticstructFThreadSafeStaticStat<FStat_EnqueueUniqueRenderCommandType>StatPtr_EnqueueUniqueRenderCommandType;returnStatPtr_EnqueueUniqueRenderCommandType.GetStatId();#elsereturnTStatId();#endif}private: ...
If you’re still receiving the error code when you try to launch your game, try restarting your Windows device. To do so, press the Windows logo key , and then select the Power icon > Restart. Once your device has booted back up, try launching the game again. If this doesn’t resolv...