The heart of Game Capture HD is the Capture section. When you start the software this is the first section you see, and it lets you view and record video, and also access other features like Live Commentary and Live Streaming.Capturing gameplay is great – but what if you want to ...
Elgato's Game Capture HD is a small device that records video directly from all HDMI devices, including an iPad and iPhone. The idea is that it sits between the device and your HDMI TV. Video passes through the Game Capture and a USB connection siphons it off to a connected Mac. The ...
elgato Game Capture HD 游戏视频录制器783.51元什么值得买甄选出亚马逊海外购优惠促销商品,包括elgato其他数码配件报价、多少钱等信息,认真生活,好好花钱就上什么值得买。
Hello all, The brief overview of my setup is: Macbook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013) Elgato Game Capture HD Xbox Series X My goal is to be able to use OBS / OBS.Live but I believe the Game Capture HD (old) is currently not compatible with OBS. If I were to upgrade to the...
elgato Game Capture HD游戏视频录制器是一款专为游戏直播设计的专业设备,由知名品牌elgato精心制造。它支持多种游戏平台,包括PlayStation 4、Xbox One、Xbox 360、PlayStation 3和Wii U,能够满足各类游戏玩家的需求。录制器采用HDMI接口输出,支持USB2.0传输,可以达到1080p分辨率。内置H.264解码技术,...
Game Capture HD 3.70.56 Operating System Windows 8 (64-bit) / Windows 10 (64-bit) User Rating Click to vote Author / Product Elgato Systems/External Link Sometimes latest versions of the software can cause issues when installed on older devices or devices running an older version of the ope...
Elgato Game Capture HD60 升级版还具备其他多种实用功能。它可以将游戏画面分割和缩放,方便观看和分享。同时支持多个输入源,允许用户连接多台游戏机或其他设备,提供更加多样化的游戏体验。无论是职业玩家还是普通游戏爱好者,这款产品都能帮助他们更好地享受游戏过程,记录和分享自己的游戏历程。综上所...
Xbox One和PlayStation 4的玩家们请注意:Elgato刚刚发布了新款游戏视频录制神器Game Capture HD60,售价为179.95美元。与上一代产品(Game Capture HD)相比,HD60的机身缩减了一半,但是增加了H.264硬件编码的支持,能够轻松转录1080P @ 60fps视频到用户笔记本或台式PC。 软件方面,Game Capture HD60还内置了对Twitch、Yo...
elgato的这款Game Capture HD 游戏视频录制器支持 PlayStation 4、Xbox One、Xbox 360、PlayStation 3 和Wii U,输出采用HDMI接口,支持USB2.0传输以及1080p,内置H.264解码,HDMI输入信号、USB接口连接PC、HDMI输出连接显示器或电视,无需额外供电。 品牌
Elgato Game Capture HD电脑版是专门用于对游戏直播时候使用的辅助工具。Elgato Game Capture HD电脑版还可以在视频播放器中添加视频聊天的功能。还可以给正在剪辑的视频添加自己想要音乐和视频。 Elgato Game Capture HD软件特色 1.极限性能 Game Capture HD全新专利技术,拥有秒杀级录像性能,CPU消耗少,磁盘占用低,不知...