Attack on Titans 2: Final Battle abandon all fear. Attack on Titan 2 is the gripping sequel to the action game based on the worldwide hit anime series Attack on Titan. £46.48 £54.99 -15% Add to cart Activates inUnited Kingdom ...
游戏平台:PC 发售时间:2016年8月26日 官方网站: ...
Windows HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\KoeiTecmo\Attack on Titan2_AOT2\System\ Steam Play (Linux) <SteamLibrary-folder>/steamapps/compatdata/601050/pfx/[Note 1] Save game data location • Link SystemLocation Windows %USERPROFILE%\Documents\KoeiTecmo\Attack on Titan2_AOT2\SAVEDATA\ Steam Play (...
Attack on Titan Tribute Game 2orAOTTG2. Still, the Beta version can be played and had even included some features from the more popular and approvedAOTTGmods like theRC Mod. It offers an in-gamemap editor, twonew difficulty levelscalled Dummy and Easy, and...
进击的巨人幸存者(attack on titan game)中文版是一款好玩的冒险闯关类的游戏,这款游戏中是根据超火爆的动漫进击的巨人而改编的,在游戏中玩家将控制立体机动装置来在巨人之间高速的移动战斗,游戏中多种模式来等待玩家的选择进击模式、远征模式等等,不同的模式将会给玩家带来不同的游戏体验,感兴趣的玩家快来下载吧 进...
进击的巨人幸存者(attack on titan game)游戏:让你成功在这里成为主角面对不同的巨人,轻松感受不同的游戏对战,有你的熟悉的艾伦等英雄和你并肩作战,立体的游戏画面设计感受更加真实的打斗场面,轻松在这里感受不一样的打击手感,轻松游戏操作方式十分好上手,真实体验巨人存在的世界。 进击的巨人幸存者(attack on titan...
Attack on titan game (tribute) Wiki Sign In Explore Fan Central Current Versión actualizada el: Julio 2014 Updates: New Maps New Game Modes Amazing Graphic1 1 <nowiki>1 {| class="article-table" Subscript |} === </nowiki> === Character Customization...
进击的巨人幸存者(a..进击的巨人幸存者(attack on titan game) 资源自取进击的巨人幸存者(attack on titan game)游戏:让你成功在这里成为主角面对不同的巨人,轻松感受不同的游戏对战,有你的熟悉的艾伦等英雄和你并...
没有对应的苹果版,点击下载的是:进击的巨人幸存者(attack on titan game)v1.0 安卓版游戏介绍评论 幸存者游戏进击的巨人幸存者手游是一款玩起来超然的动作手游。支持多人在线竞技,游戏画质特效制作的很生动,玩家可以选择各种角色来体验。还有很多种模式可以选择,玩法延续了经典操作模式。喜欢的玩家欢迎下载试玩。 游戏...
Attack on Titan RunningTake the role of bad-ass girl Mikasa Ackerman, her job is to defeat as many giant monsters called titans. Use the creative and innovative technology called the three dimensional maneuver gear or omni-directional mobility gear attached to her waist to launch herself ...