However, you can also check out our gallon calculator, which can be used as a gallons-to-pounds converter, and also makes conversions between gallons and other units A pound (lb) is a unit of mass — how much does something weigh? The abbreviation for pounds is lb, so to convert lbs ...
Pound to Gallon Conversion Table Pound measurements converted to gallons for commonly used cooking and baking ingredients. Weight in Pounds:Volume in Gallons of: WaterMilkCooking OilAll Purpose FlourGranulated Sugar 1 lb0.119826 gal0.116336 gal0.136166 gal0.226515 gal0.169967 gal ...
Thus, the value of 30 US Milk cups in gallons is 1.875 Using the method of division Value in Gallons= Value in Cups/16 Value in Gallons= 30/16 Thus, the value of 30 US Milk cups in gallons using the division method is 1.875 The table of cups to gallons conversion Cups Gallons Cups...
Gallon measurements converted to pounds for commonly used cooking and baking ingredients. Volume in Gallons:Weight in Pounds of: WaterMilkCooking OilAll Purpose FlourGranulated Sugar 1/8 gal1.0432 lb1.0745 lb0.917994 lb0.55184 lb0.735439 lb