Our GPM calculator will compute the gallons of water flow per minute. You can also use our GPM formula for manual calculations.
How to use the GPM calculator To find the flow rate - e.g., when you ask "How many gallons per minute does a shower use?", follow the points below: Choose the unit in which you will count the volume. For a myriad of other units of volume, you may find our separate volume calcul...
Gallons Per Mile Calculators
Convert flow rate of kilogram (water mass) per hour (kg/h) and gallons US per minute (gal/min) units in reverse from gallons US per minute into kilograms (water mass) per hour.Flow rate. Gas & Liquids.This unit-to-unit calculator is based on conversion for one pair of two ...
Multiply H ft with 7.48052 to get gallons per square foot G = H ft × 7.48052. Divide the volume of 20 US gal by the gallons per square foot G to convert it to square feet, 20/G ft2. Verify your result using our gallons per square foot calculator. How many gallons of water in ...
Easily convert Gallons/100 kilometer to liters/100 kilometer (g/100 km to l/100 km) Metric conversion calculator, with algebraic formula. Includes thousands of metric and english unit conversions, search tool, more
A better way to understand this is that the countries which use imperial gallons also use miles per hour for the speed limit and drive on the left side of the road. The US gallon on the other hand is issued in the United States along with countries like Liberia, Haiti, Colombia, ...
The valuation of 1 US Cup equates to 0.0625 US Gallons and the valuation of 1 US Gallon, as per the United States Customary Units equals 16 US Cups. How to Convert Cups to Gallons? To determine cups per gallon, all you have to do is multiply the figure given in cups with 0.0625 ...
Gallons Per Mile Calculators
Convert flow rate of cubic meter per hour (m3/h) and gallons US per minute (gal/min) units in reverse from gallons US per minute into cubic meters per hour.Flow rate. Gas & Liquids.This unit-to-unit calculator is based on conversion for one pair of two flow rate units. ...