Gallon to liter calculator is available online for free, at BYJU’S. One US gallon is equal to 3.785411784 liter. Convert the value of volume in gallon to liter. Gal to L quick and simple conversion.
Gallon Conversion Calculator Enter a value in gallons below to convert to another unit of volume. Convert To: QuartsPintsCupsFluid OuncesTablespoonsTeaspoonsCubic InchesCubic FeetCubic YardsLitersMillilitersCubic CentimetersCubic Meters Value: Contact Us...
This calculator provides conversion of Miles per gallon (US) to Liters per 100 kilometers and backwards (L/100 km to MPG).Enter Miles per gallon (US) or Liters per 100 kilometers for conversion: Select conversion type: Rounding options:...
Gallons To Liters (gal to L) Conversion – 1 gal is 3.7854 L Last Updated -- December 18th, 2024 1 Gallon is equal to 3.79 Liter Select from unit Select to unit Have you ever been puzzled while converting gallons to litres, especially when recipes, fuel, or other measurements are ...
Do a quick conversion: 1 gallons = 3.7854118E-6 megaliters using the online calculator for metric conversions. Check the chart for more details.
Convert flow rate of gallon US per minute (gal/min) and Liters per minute (L/min) units in reverse from Liters per minute into gallons US per minute.Flow rate. Gas & Liquids.This unit-to-unit calculator is based on conversion for one pair of two flow rate units. For a w...
Convert miles per gallon (US) to liters per 100 kilometers (mpg (US) to L/100km) with the fuel economy conversion calculator, and learn the formula.
UK gallon to minimDefinition: GigaliterThe SI prefix "giga" represents a factor of 109, or in exponential notation, 1E9.So 1 gigaliter = 109 liter.Metric conversions and provides an online conversion calculator for all types of measurement units. You can find metric conver...
Gallon (fluid, US) per minute into Liter per minute Measurement Categorie: Value to be converted: Original unit: Target unit: numbers in scientific notation Direct link to this calculator:
Kilometers per liter (km/L)is a metric unit used to measure fuel efficiency in terms of how many kilometers a vehicle can travel on one liter of fuel. 1 KM/L = 2.3521458 MPG and 1 KM/L= 2.82481 UK MPG. Please visitfuel economy conversioncalculator tool to convert all fuel economy un...