加里凡时代广场 (The Gallivant Times Square)等级为3.5 酒店 等级为3.5 👍今天已有18人预订 酒店优势 卫生优选 位于纽约(NY)中心 24小时办理入住 距离公交设施190米 (市中心内) 8.8位置优越 234 West 48th Street, 时代广场, 纽约(NY), 纽约州, 美国, 10036...
加里凡时代广场 (The Gallivant Times Square) 234 West 48th Street, 时代广场, 纽约(NY), 纽约州, 美国, 10036 退房日期3月2日, 周日 查看空房和价格 1/1 酒店 👍今天已有2人预订 酒店优势 卫生优选 位于纽约(NY)中心 24小时办理入住 距离公交设施190米 ...
加里凡时代广场 (The Gallivant Times Square) 3.5等级(最高为5等级) 234 West 48th Street, 时代广场, 纽约(NY), 美国, 10036 - 查看地图 "入住加里凡 (The Gallivant) 时代广场中心的酒店。这家酒店非常适合两位旅客入住,提供宽敞的客房,可欣赏壮丽的城市景观,配有空调和免费无线网络。在豪华的酒吧放松身心,...
加里凡时代广场酒店,温德姆Trademark精选(The Gallivant Times Square, Trademark Collection by Wyndham) 234 W 48th St, 纽约显示地图 开业:1928闲逛时代广场酒店地处纽约中心,距离时代广场和百老汇街仅有数步之遥。 此精品酒店距离洛克菲勒中心 0.4 英里(0.7 公里),距离布莱恩公园 0.5 英里(0.8 公里)。查看更多 ...
纽约加里凡时代广场是还不错的高端型酒店 一般746.58元/天起 优惠的话要看下具体的预订平台了,穷游...
已售625件 ¥2345元起查看详情 景点说明:1.所有团按座位收费,未满3岁儿童可以免收费(不提供座位)...
Average price per night The Gallivant Times Square (formerly TRYP New York Times Square) 4-star hotel This property has agreed to be part of our Preferred Property Program, which groups together properties that stand out because of their excellent service and quality/price ratio with competitive ...
I have never thought of Gallivantrix as something to monetize, no matter how many times well-meaning people suggest that I turn this hobby into a side hustle. I hoped my blog would primarily serve as a way to connect with my loved ones while I was abroad, give people a deeper perspectiv...
How much does a taxi cost from The Gallivant Hotel Times Square to 448 Jefferson Street Brooklyn in New York, NY, USA It seems that we do not have fare information for this route yet. To calculate it now, please confirm that you are not a robot first :) ...
I have never thought of Gallivantrix as something to monetize, no matter how many times well-meaning people suggest that I turn this hobby into a side hustle. I hoped my blog would primarily serve as a way to connect with my loved ones while I was abroad, give people a deeper perspectiv...