申请人: GALLERYDEPARTMENT,LLC 办理/代理机构: 柜台办理 商标进度 注册申请 2022-07-21 初审公告 - 已注册 - 终止 - 商标信息 商标图案 商标名称 PROPERTY OF GALLERY DEPT 国际分类 第25类-服装鞋帽 商标状态 领土延伸 申请/注册号 G1673119 申请日期 2022-07-21 申请人名称(中文) GALLERYDEPARTMENT...
申请/注册号:G1430638H申请日期:2020-03-26国际分类:第25类-服装鞋帽商标申请人:GALLERYDEPARTMENT,LLC办理/代理机构:国际局 GALLERY DEPT.商标已注册 申请/注册号:54598439申请日期:2021-03-24国际分类:第14类-珠宝钟表商标申请人:浙江绍兴莱诗瑞商贸有限公司办理/代理机构:知域互联科技有限公司爱...
GALLERYDEPARTMENT,LLC 申请地址 1501 Rio Vista Ave Los Angeles CA 90023 代理机构 - 申请流程 2024-05-22 驳回复审-申请收文-结束 2024-05-15 领土延伸-驳回电子发文-结束 2023-11-02 领土延伸-申请收文-结束 商品服务列表 服装,即男式、女式、少女、少年、儿童以及婴儿牛仔服、裤子、裤子、女紧身裤(七...
申请人(英文)GALLERY DEPARTMENT LLC. 申请人地址(中文)美国科罗拉多州丹佛市17街600套房1312申请人地址(英文)1312 17th Street Suite 600 Denver CO US 代理/办理机构 绍兴佳和商标事务所有限公司 代理商标 商品/服务项目 3001 咖啡 3002 茶 3002 茶饮料 ...
初审公告日期 注册公告期号 注册公告日期 专用权期限 申请人 GALLERY DEPARTMENT, LLC监控此申请人 申请人地址 加利福尼亚洛杉矶*** 代理人名称 商标流程 2024-05-22 驳回复审 | 申请收文 2024-05-15 领土延伸 | 驳回电子发文 2023-11-02 领土延伸 | 申请收文 商标公告 近期商标资讯查看...
Solo exhibs, Crocker Bank, Beverly Hills, California, 80, Roger Morrison Gallery, Los Angeles, California, 85, Bonwit Tellers, Beverly Hills, California, 86, Ivey's Department Store, Gainesville, Florida, 86, Brand Libr Art Gallery, Glendale, California, 88, Riverside Co Mus, 89 & San ...
GALLERY DEPARTMENT LLC. 申请人地址(英文): 1312 17th Street Suite 600 Denver CO US 商品/服务项目 已申请群组: 2101;2102;2103;2104;2105;2106;2107;2108;2110;2111 已申请商品/服务: 2101杯 2102日用玻璃器皿(包括杯、盘、壶、缸) 2103家庭用陶瓷制品 ...
nask the hong kong trade development council and the intellectual property department jointly produced a series of six videos on to promote intellectual property trading. success story – nask: ms sarinda kwok, director, profit royal pharmaceutical limited company website: http://nask.hk/ date:...
LLC worked on the development of a Land Use Plan revision, Planned Unit Development, preliminary site planning, stormwater, drainage and utilities. As part of our services we coordinated with the City of Winter Park Planning, Zoning and Engineering Department, as well as the St. John’s River...
Workinprogress, LLC Remote Gallery Director Job And, truth is, we don't really think we're like most agencies. We're small, independent, structurally quite flat, deeply concerned for each other, abnormally transparent, pleasantly collaborative, adamantly ego-free, and currently enjoying enough mom...