走进一看门上贴的通知,才得知这家曾被无数年轻人追捧的时尚品牌关门原因,让人大跌眼镜。 通知时间为上周四9月26号,发布者是Galleria Mall的租赁部门。通知中写道因Forever 21拖欠租金$147,890.29美金,商场租赁管理办公室有权更换其大门门锁,禁止营业。 (图片来自twitter,版权属于原作者) 新的钥匙将会在支付清这近15...
The Riverchase Galleria, locally known as The Galleria, is a large, super–regional shopping mall Hoover. It is managed and partially owned by General Growth Properties and is Alabama's largest enclosed shopping center with 1.9 million square feet of total retail floor area. Its 218 stores and...
More recently, in early November,another updatewas posted on the mall website discussing a new masterplan and design intending to 'build upon the remarkable renaissance under way in Downtown White Plains.' It went on to detail coding a portion of the mall in order to follow through with such...