圣地亚哥朝圣之路 Camino de Santiago 对于寻求冒险的女性来说,圣地亚哥朝圣之路无疑是不二之选。领取圣地亚哥之路的护照,领略沿途纳瓦拉(Navarra)的田园风光、拉里奥哈(La Rioja)的片片葡萄园、一望无际的平原以及西北部的绿色葱茏... 在终点找到刻在银币上的圣地亚哥·德·孔波斯特拉大教堂(Catedral de Santiago de C...
In some cases it may be necessary to reserve dinner in nearby restaurants.- Where contracted, the luggage transport service gives each individual traveler the right to the transport of one (1) piece of luggage or no more that 12 kilos (26.5 lbs).Origin: O Cebreiro...
Camino de Santiago 朝圣之路记录| Day 7 Santiago de Compostela|VLOG|暑假 夏季旅游 记录时光 2022夏天|小米丘XiaoMiChu 第七天我们终于到达了朝圣者们的目的地,圣地亚哥-德孔波斯特拉这天我们在圣地亚哥大教堂里参加了颇有仪式感的朝圣者弥撒。看到周围有些人眼含泪光祈祷的样子,尤其是在我右边有位小姐姐一直跪着...
Camino de Santiago - resources pageThis is a general "catch all" section that you can use to get information about all aspects of arranging and walking the Camino de Santiago or Way of Saint James. The idea behind this page is to give you some extra navigation to relevant sections on ...
Camino de Santiago 朝圣之路记录| Day 8 Fisterra|VLOG|暑假 夏季旅游 记录时光 2022夏天|小米丘XiaoMiChu 第八天我们从圣地亚哥出发来到了有着“世界的尽头”之称的菲尼斯特雷。我们在海边嬉戏,之后一路爬山前往灯塔、看到了零公里路标以及找到了在悬崖边的铜鞋~这里真的非常漂亮,个人很喜欢~以后如果有机会的话...
The city is the final destination of the Camino de Santiago routes. After days or weeks of walking across Spain, entering a city that is all about tourism can be quite disconcerting. However, tourism certainly isn’t a novelty in this holy city. Many consider Santiago de Compostela the first...
Camino de Santiago Galicia » Pipe Organ of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela来源: Freesound 前往原页面 查看译文 作者: frederic.font 许可: CC-BY 保留署名许可协议 描述: 3/8/2011 Fifth day Recording of the organ of the cathedral of Santiago de Compostela playing some classical piece...
Visit Cabo Fisterra and you can join Camino de Santiago hikers as they end their journeys by the panoramic bluff topped by a lighthouse. Go on a road trip along Galicia’s 930-mile (1,500-kilometer) seashore and explore the varied coastline. See awe-inspiring cliffs plunging into the ocea...
Camino de Santiago en Galicia Completa app para conocer y gozar de la ruta más popular para llegar a Compostela en tierras gallegas siguiendo el Camino de Santiago. ¿Inquietud cultural? ¿Motivos espirituales? ¿Aventura? ¿Reto personal? Una forma original y diferente de hacer turismo. ...
Camino de Santiago Galicia » Hang song 1 来源:Freesound前往原页面查看译文 作者:frederic.font 许可:CC-BY-NC 非商业署名许可协议 描述:1/8/2011 Third day Right after passing Melide (in our way to Arzúa), in a very nice spot in the middle of the forest we came across two guys that ...