Gain global perspectives on diverse issues Gale In Context: Global Issuessupports awareness and provides perspective on global issues, while tying together a wealth of authoritative content: empowering learners to critically analyse and understand the most important issues of the modern world. ...
Gale In Context: Science(Gale资源中心:科学) “Gale资源中心:科学”呈现了数百个当今最重要科学话题的背景资料。 访问链接: Gale In Context: Global Issues(Gale资源中心:全球问题) “Gale资源中心:全球问题”支持全球化意识,提供全球观点,帮助...
Gale In Context: Opposing Viewpoints Database designed to support science, social studies, current events, and language arts presents each side of important issues and empowers learners to develop information literacy and critical thinking skills. ...
Gale In Context: Global Issues, 在第二十三届莫扎特艺术节上,艺术家们运用现代技术手段重现了十八世纪风格的音乐剧舞台。作为十大歌剧经典的莫扎特版《唐·璜》仍然受到喜爱歌剧和音乐剧的资深乐迷们欢迎。 "Spin Out." Melbourne Star Observer, 28 July 1995, p. [1]. Archives...
Gale In Context: Science - Topic Pages This tutorial shows you how to use topic pages within Gale In Context: Science to research key issues and topics in biology, chemistry, and other areas within science. Gale Tools - Downloading and Sending to Google Drive and OneDrive This tutorial shows...
The Historical Context Behind Projections of the ‘Dangerous Drag Queen’ by the Far Right May 3, 2023byGale Ambassadors Disclaimer: This blog post is written by an undergraduate student. Becca uses materials from Gale’s Political Extremism and Radicalism: Far-Right Groups in America archive which...
Gale’s Opposing Viewpoints In Context extension provides learners with a path from Google to authoritative content within their library’s Gale database. Retrieve results covering today’s hottest social issues from this cross-curricular research tool. ...
GALE IN CONTEXT: OPPOSING VIEWPOINTS Database designed to support science, social studies, current events, and language arts presents each side of important issues and empowers learners to develop information literacy and critical thinking skills. ...
This article provides a comparative review of Points of View Reference Center (POV) and Opposing Viewpoints in Context (OVIC). Both databases are designed to introduce users to current events, social issues, and controversial topics and provide further sources for essential research. POV and OVIC...