Galaxy S21 Ultra 5G's Intelligent Battery outlasts the day—even on 5G. Maxing out at a massive 5000mAh, it combines with the new power-efficient display and processor to live on beyond the 24-hour mark.2 Super Fast Chargingdelivers 100% charge in about an hour with the 25W Travel Adap...
Specifications: Quality Certification: ce; Quality Certification: MSDS; Original or Not: Compatible; Battery Type: Li-Polymer; Capacity: 5000mAh (19.30Wh); Voltage: 3.86V Features: |Features Of Samsung S21 Ultra|2008 Harley Ultra Classic Battery|S21 Ultra Picture Quality| **Unmatched Performance an...
三星Galaxy S21 Ultra与Note 20 Ultra / S20 Ultra / iPhone 12 Pro Max电池耗电测试超级防抖 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多 6173 11 00:56 App 4种最伤手机电池的充电习惯❌有你吗⁉️ 9727 2 01:17 App 仅1299元的轻薄续航王+旗舰颜值机!6600超大电池+188克超轻机身 7538 1...
電池為消耗品,其壽命受到使用方式和環境的影響。若您發現經常需要為手機充電,且電池續航時間明顯縮短,請您至三星服務中心進一步檢測。 關於電池續航力 一般來說,續航力下降包括電池使用時間縮短或裝置無預警關機。 了解無預警關機。 - 若電池電壓下降 隨著電池的反覆使用,電池的內部可能因電阻增加導致性能與電壓下降, ...
Galaxy S21 Ultra - Battery issues after One UI 6.1 Update - It's horrible. I can barely use my phone. I have done a factory reset and it still is a fast drain on the battery. I have done all the suggesting things like changing resolution, changing screen refresh, e...
安卓机皇三星Galaxy S21Ultra参数如下:CPU:高通骁龙888CPU频率:1×2.8GHz+3×2.4GHz+4×1.80GHzGPU:Adreno 660运行内存:12GB,16GB机身容量:256GB,512GB扩展卡:无扩展卡功能电池类型:不可拆卸式电池电池容量:5000mAh充电:25W有线快充,15W无线快充传感器:重力感应,距离感应,光线感应,加速传感,电子罗盘,陀螺仪,指纹识...
据 GalaxyClub 报道,Galaxy S21 Ultra(SM-G998)将使用型号为 EB-BG998ABY 的电池。该电池的额定容量为 4885mAh,三星可能会将其典型的电池容量列为 5000mAh,也就是 Galaxy S21 Ultra 将继续使用与 Galaxy S20 Ultra 相同的电池容量。此外,Galaxy S21(SM-G991)将搭载 EB-BG991ABY 电池,其额定容量为 ...
Galaxy S21 Ultra电池容量曝光:还是5000mAh 就在几天前,我们报道了传闻中的 Galaxy S21 Ultra 的摄像头配置,似乎暗示了三星新旗舰的巨大进步。但根据最新的爆料消息,与目前的一代相比,三星似乎没有兴趣提高该系列的电池容量。 GalaxyClub 的新爆料介绍了型号为 EB-BG998ABY 的 SM-G998 机型电池信息(Galaxy S21 ...
My Exynos S21 Ultra's battery life and charging were a bit hit and miss when I first got the phone in early February but it has settled down brilliantly now and it charges very very quickly and lasts so long that I get bored trying to run the battery down on purpose but as I said...
Galaxy S21 Ultra 的电池容量似乎再次遭到了曝光,一份 3C 认证文件显示,该电池型号为 EB-BG998ABY。 根据最新的说法,Galaxy S21 Ultra 将配备不可拆卸的电池,额定容量为 4,885mAh,相当于 5,000mAh 的标准容量。如果听起来有些熟悉,那是因为我们在 9 月中旬已经听到了几乎相同的爆料。