In terms of the sensitivity to AGN feedback, galaxy groups occupy a transitional regime between isolated galaxies and massive galaxy clusters, as the total feedback energy is comparable to the gravitational binding energy of the gas. Their gravitational potential well is strong enough to retain a ...
Superclusters are supermassive objects formed by the gravitational aggregation of multiple galaxy clusters. Because their scales are larger than 10 Mpc, the relaxation time exceeds the age of the universe. Therefore no distinct mass center or boundary has been formed. This poses a great difficulty ...
A discussion of gravitational lenses and the detection of dark matter in galaxies. Video: © Open University (A Britannica Publishing Partner) Learn about galaxy clusters, superclusters, and the Local Group The billions of galaxies in the universe are concentrated in groups called clusters,......
This artist's concept shows what happened when two massive clusters of galaxies, collectively known as MACS J0018.5, collided: The dark matter in the galaxy clusters (blue) sailed ahead of the associated clouds of hot gas, or normal matter (orange). Both dark matter and normal matter feel ...
superclustersgeneralThe Modified Catalog of Galaxy Clusters and Groups (Panko & Flin 2006, PF), covering an area of 5000 square degrees in the southern sky, was used as the input for the search of galaxy superclusters. Only the estimated redshifts could be used, since the PF catalog is ...
•And if you have lots oflumpsofmatter- lots ofgalaxies, say - you get lots of localcurvatures.•Surveysofgalaxiesshow largevoidswith virtually nothing in them, andfilamentsandwallsmade up ofclustersand superclusters.•To seewhy, think of thetwo-dimensionalrubberballoonuniverse withpebblesstuck...
galaxies: clusters: generalWe compare the galaxy populations in superclusters of different morphology in the nearby Universe (180 < d < 270 Mpc) to see whether the inner structure and overall morphology of superclusters are important in shaping galaxy properties in superclusters. Supercluster ...
1.Being the biggest bound systems of celestial objects,galaxy clusters are of particular importance for studies of galaxy formation,dynamical evolution of galaxies and the large scale structure of the universe.对星系团各类分层效应的有关问题做了概要的评述,包括成员星系在位置空间和(或)速度空间中的形态...
became possible in the 1990s to discover very young open clusters that previously had been entirely hidden in deep, dusty regions. Usinginfraredarray detectors, astronomers found that manymolecular cloudscontained very young groups of stars that had just formed and, in some cases, were still ...