A Tuner that raises a field monster's Level by 1 when you discard a card from your hand! It also allows you to raise a field monster's Level by 1 when you send 1 Zombie-Type monster from your Deck to the Graveyard! This can lead to various combos and Synchro Summons in Zombie-Type...
Deck Modification Pack: Galaxy of Fate!! デッキ改造パック 運命のギャラクシー!! 「デッキかいぞうパック 運命のギャラクシー!!」 Names Set Information Medium Yu-Gi-Oh! Rush Duel Type Booster Pack Prefix(es) RD/KP09-JP (jp)
Hello Guys Im Trying To Sell My Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel Account With 6 Deck Deck List ( Drytron Herald Chaos MAX, Dragon Link, Red Dragon Archfiend, 4 Dimension Dragon, Galaxy Eyes Dragon , Supreme King Z-ARC ) 2 Royal Finish Card ( Hot Red Dragon Archfiend King Calamity & Majester Pala...
1 Structure Deck: Blue-Eyes White Destiny 2 List of Yu-Gi-Oh! Forbidden Memories cards 3 Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters (video game) 4 Yugi Muto 5 Level 5+ Level string 5+ Lore You cansend…once per turn.+ Medium TCG+and OCG+
Stats This card gains ATK + Summoning 3 Xyz Materials +, Does not require specific Xyz Materials +, Special Summons itself from your Extra Deck +, Xyz Evolution + and Can be Special Summoned + Support Number 62: Galaxy-Eyes Prime Photon Dragon + and Galaxy-Eyes Photon Dragon + ...