galaxy 指星系,并不一定是银河系,意思范围比Milky Way更大;galaxy也可以特别指银河系,这个时候等同于 Milky Way 指我们居住的银河系,同学可以参考牛津词典的具体解释:希望帮到你!
然而,由于小赫拉克勒斯吮吸时用力过猛,惊醒了赫拉,她猛地抽身,导致一些神圣的液体飘散空中... 乳汁缓缓汇聚成一条闪烁的银河,蜿蜒于无垠的宇宙之中。于是乎,“Galaxy”(银河)这个词汇就此诞生,而在英语中又称作“Milky Way”(乳汁之路)!END球...
Milky Way Galaxy, large spiral system consisting of several hundred billionstars, one of which is theSun. It takes its name from the Milky Way, the irregularluminousband of stars and gas clouds that stretches across the sky as seen fromEarth. Although Earth lies well within the Milky Way Ga...
Milky Way,Milky Way System extragalactic nebula,galaxy- (astronomy) a collection of star systems; any of the billions of systems each having many stars and nebulae and dust; "`extragalactic nebula' is a former name for `galaxy'" heliosphere- the region inside the heliopause containing the sun...
Milky Way galaxy的意思是:2、n. [天] 星系;银河系(the Galaxy);一群显赫的人 3、n. 三星智能手机品牌 2015年三星中国公布Galaxy的中文名称为“盖乐世”(Galaxy)短语:1、dwarf galaxy [天] 矮星系 2、elliptical galaxy 椭圆星云 3、ring galaxy 环星系 ; 双环星系 ; [天] 环状星系 ; ...
with galaxy mass; while the Milky Way Galaxy, a massive example of a spiral galaxy, contains no stars of young age and a low heavy-metalabundance, low-mass galaxies, such as the dwarfirregulars, contain young, low heavy-element stars, as the buildup of heavy elements in stars has not ...
The Milky Way Galaxy was one of two trillion galaxies believed to exist. The number of stars it contained was variously estimated to be over three billion to over four hundred billion stars. It generated its own magnetic field, which experienced dips and
Milky Way 指我们居住的银河系,galaxy 指星系,并不一定是银河系。另外银河系的准确表述应该是Milky Way Galaxy。
源于希腊语galakt指“牛奶的”,所以银河也被称为奶路“the Milky Way”。希腊神话中天后Hera的奶汁很神奇,有长生不老之功效。而她的老公宙斯Zeus(宙斯在传说中总有外遇)有一私生子Hercules。 Zeus偷偷地把Hercules放在熟睡的Hera身旁,让孩子吮吸奶汁,谁知孩子吮吸太猛,惊醒了Hera,她发现吃奶的不是自己的儿子,便把...
The Milky Way Galaxy: Directed by Kimia Haghighi. With Raha Behnim, Hamid Reza Bodaghi, Mojdeh Daei, Khosro Saghafian. Somewhere in the Milky Way, a young girl starts making eccentric dolls to free herself from the atmosphere that rules her home. One nig