Samsung A045M Emiliano Solís 29-07-2023 01:24 AM en Galaxy A Series Quería obtener alguna ayuda aun problema con mi Samsung Nuevo A04 al que queria hacerle hard reset y esas cosas, apagándolo y pulsando a la vez la... Ver publicación 1134 1 0 ...
A34 5G po nainštalovaní februárovej aktualizácie softvéru mi prestalo fungovať automatické rozsvietenie a zhasnutie displeja po otvorení/zatvorení...Zobrazit příspěvek Bezpečnostná záplata z februára 2025 pre A55 5G ...
Step 3: Tap Reset to view the reset options. Step 4: Tap Reset network settings. Step 5: Tap Reset settings and if prompted, enter your security lock. Step 6: Tap Reset to proceed with the network settings reset. After the reset, use your phone andsend an multimedia messages to your ...
Q Quaresma fmg 31 Oct 2022 I want to do hard reset for my A40 after it has entered the recovery menu it can't open wipe data again ReplyPost your opinion Sort by: To top ◄1 2 3…40► To footer L Lord Megatron S9{ 30 Sep 2022 🤣🤭olweys on screen 👎 Reply...
I've performed no factory reset on any on my flagships, except when I'm about to sell the phone to some one obviously. Not sure why you're still arguing with me. Is it that hard to accept not everybody likes the same things as you? Reply S SShock puk 03 Jul 2022 Anonymous, ...
If you’re getting the above Google lock on your Galaxy S9 after a hard reset, it says,This device was reset.” To continue, sign in with a Google account that was previously synced on this device.In this case, if you remember the Google account, pattern, or pin lock, then you can...
La 6.1?aspetta mesi allora 🤣🤣🤣.se ti danno fastidio forse dei provare un wipe cache o un hard reset.auguroni.i mi tengo android 13 ancora per altri mesi,il telefono va bene e così me lo tengo. 0 Likes Rispondere nnnuuu Helping Hand in data 08-12-2023 10:08 AM In...
Potrai svolgere questa operazione autonomamente tramite la procedura di Hard reset: Spegni il dispositivo tenendo premuti contemporaneamente i tasti laterali Volume Giù e tasto...
@piteq, dopowiem, że zabieg Wipe Cache Partition nie usuwa żadnych danych użytkownika, więc śmiało może to zrobić, tu masz instrukcję: Witaj na Forum Samsung!Pam...
Potrai svolgere questa operazione autonomamente tramite la procedura di Hard reset: Spegni il dispositivo tenendo premuti contemporaneamente i tasti laterali Volume Giù e tast...