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It turned out that the closest galaxies to us were the Magellanic Clouds, which resemble scraps of the Milky Way and are 46 kiloparsecs away (about 150,000 light-years). In diameter they are several times smaller than our galaxy and are evidently its companions. Distances to remote galaxies...
The chemical compositions of more than 2,000 giant stars in the four closest dwarf galaxies were studied, and compared to the compositions of stars in the Milky Way halo. The study ruled out the possibility that a mer...
It revolves around the centre of the Milky Way with a speed of 285 km per second. Andromeda is the closest big galaxy to the Milky Way — being 2 million light years away. PMF IAS General Science [Just Released!] PMF IAS General Science for UPSC and State PCS 2025-26 Rs. 360 Rs....
Related to Seyfert galaxies:Seyfert 1 Galaxy Sey·fert galaxy (sē′fərt, sī′-) n. A spiral galaxy having a small, compact nucleus many times brighter than the rest of the galaxy and exhibiting variable light intensity and radio emission. Seyfert galaxies are active galaxies thought to ...
The remaining massive young star clusters formed during starburst activity will become the new galaxy’s globular clusters. The Antennae galaxies are the closest colliding galaxies to the Milky Way.
The Small Magellanic Cloud is another irregular dwarf galaxy, located about 210,000 light-years away. It is also connected to the Large Magellanic Cloud by a bridge of gas and stars. Andromeda Galaxy (M31) The Andromeda Galaxy is the closest large galaxy to the Milky Way, located about 2.5...
a.Any of numerous large-scale aggregates of stars, gas, and dust that constitute the universe, containing an average of 100 billion (1011) solar masses and ranging in diameter from 1,500 to 300,000 light-years. b.oftenGalaxyThe Milky Way. ...
It is part of the Local Group, a cluster of galaxies to which we (in the Milky Way) belong. The Andromeda Galaxy can just be seen with the naked eye in the constellation Andromeda. Andromeda is the farthest object that can be seen with the naked eye. ...
The closest large galaxy, the Andromeda Galaxy, is only about 30 Milky Way diameters away. Galaxies in rich clusters are closer to each other than that. Collisions take place over very long timescales compared to the length of our lifetime---several tens of millions of years. In order to...