Unfortunately, I can’t say I have had huge amounts of fun with Galactic Civilizations IV. Although all the basics are there for an enjoyable experience, and Stardocks added a good amount of specific systems to make the experience unique, crucial aspects like war management and IA behavior en...
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Reviews provided byMetaCritic Galactic Civilizations III Statistics Statistics Powered By Play Time Statistics 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Time Played < 1 Hour 3.7% ~1 Hour 3.7% ~2 Hours 3.7% ~4 Hours 0% ~8 Hours 0% ~12 Hours ...
It might just have a 800% production tile that makes it outstrip every other planet in the sector when it comes to building your war fleets. Speaking of war, that's the one part of the game that keeps me from giving galactic civilizations 2 a 10 out of 10. When it comes to combat...