Bilde, P., [1978] 2008, `The Roman emperor Gaius (Caligula)'s attempt to erect his statue in the temple of Jerusalem', Studia Theologica - Nordic Journal of Theology 32(1), 67-93., P., 1978, `The Roman Emperor Gaius (Caligula)'s ...
预订The Roman Emperor Gaius 'Caligula' and His Hellenistic Aspirations [ISBN:9781599424231] 【全球购】进口原版图书,约3-6周到达国内后发出 作者:Adams,Geoff W.出版社:Brown Walker Press (FL)出版时间:2007年03月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价 降价通知 ¥322.00 ...
释义 圣加伊乌斯(即Caius,Saint); 英英释义 Gaius[ 'ɡeiəs ] n.Roman Emperor who succeeded Tiberius and whose uncontrolled passions resulted in manifest insanity; noted for his cruelty and tyranny; was assassinated (12-41) 同义词:CaligulaGaius Caesar ...
Caligula (kəˈlɪɡjʊlə) n (Biography) original nameGaius Caesar,son of Germanicus. 12–41 ad, Roman emperor (37–41), noted for his cruelty and tyranny; assassinated Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994,...
The Twelve Caesars is a set of twelve biographies of Julius Caesar and the first 11 emperors of the Roman Empire. The work was written in 121 during the reign of the emperor Hadrian, while Suetonius was Hadrian’s personal secretary. On the Life of the Caesars concentrates on the acts and...
Born inA.D. 172; died in 238 near Aquileia. Roman emperor in 235-238. Son of a Thracian peasant. Maximinus rose to the upper echelons of the army. In 235 he led a soldiers’ mutiny against Alexander Severus and was proclaimed emperor by them. He successfully fought the Teutons, Dacians...
It had as yet nothing to do with the setting up of the statue of the emperor in the Jewish synagogue, nor with any edict of Caligula. In Book iv., on the contrary, i.e. in the Legatio ad Cajum, which is preserved, are depicted the sufferings inflicted on the Jews in consequence ...
Gaius Avidius Cassius was a usurping Roman emperor for three months in ad 175. The son of a high civil servant of the emperor Hadrian (ruled 117–138), Avidius directed operations under the command of the emperor Verus in Rome’s war against the Parthian