In beginning the collection of data, the subjects were fitted with 2 accelerometers on the shank and another accelerometer was placed at the joint rotation axis on the knee. The primary aim of this study is to show differences in the gait patterns of hemiparetic and healthy gait based on the...
摘要: joints, and secondly the gait patterns (flat, slope up and down and stairs up and down) studiedin this thesis will be difficult to model using a single pendulum model. studies can be listed asfollows. this study is to integrate gait model information into gait pattern classification...
(IMU)installed on the exoskeleton to collect motion information,which is used for LSTM-CNN input.This article considers five common gait patterns,including walking,going up stairs,going down stairs,sitting down,and standing up.In the LSTM-CNN model,the LSTM layer is used to process temporal ...
Walking is a repeatable and cyclic locomotor act, presenting standardized biomechanical patterns within the gait cycle in healthy humans. Specifically, both stance and swing durations exhibit high reliability at comfortable speed, maintaining the same proportion between the twos with respect to different ...
Additional file 1: Preliminary results for IMU-based surface type identification reports the drastic difference between the k-fold and LOSO results of machine learning models implemented using the same IMU data (an open access dataset [22]) to differentiate between the walking patterns over stairs,...
This could be due to the fact that the biomechanically-based algorithms are less dependent on the intensity and morphology of the acceleration signals, and are highly influenced by the gait speed and irregularity of the gait patterns [17], which highlights a potential limitation in the ...
Machine learning and statistical approaches to assessing gait patterns of younger and older healthy adults climbing stairs The following study explores the methods for activity recognition of younger and older adults climbing stairs. There is a correlation to health and the lev... H Chan,M Yang,H...
Additional file 1: Preliminary results for IMU-based surface type identification reports the drastic difference between the k-fold and LOSO results of machine learning models implemented using the same IMU data (an open access dataset [22]) to differentiate between the walking patterns over stairs,...
People with akinesia who demonstrate kinesia paradoxa are observed to walk with visual cue patterns, such as over obstacles in their path or up stairs, with significantly reduced shuffling andfreezing gait[2,7,9-10,19-20]. Virtual cues and functional mobility of people with Parkinson's disease...
Based on the results of the study of Lamontagne et al. (2007), it is suggested that for people post-stroke constant optic flow speeds are easier to perceive and to integrate than continuously changing optic flow speeds (e.g. sinusoidally patterns of optic flow speed) and could therefore ...