Gain laundry detergent is available in HE, concentrated liquid and in powdered form. In addition, in early 2011, Gain actually reformulated its powdered detergent to be more concentrated than before.Further, Gain also makes Gain fabric softener, including both liquid and dryer sheets, with ...
JoAnn has shared her Gain laundry detergent review. JoAnn says:I love Gain. I always try to find the original scent, as I think it's still the best. I always use liquid detergent so there's no chance of powdered detergent clumping or leaving spots on our clothes. ...
Powdered laundry detergents are great because they are generally cheaper, and if stored properly, they have an indefinite shelf life. The downside to powder detergents is that they are sensitive to moisture and will absorb it if given the chance. Storing your powdered laundry detergent in a cool...
It can happen when there are formula changes that the scent will also change. I am assuming when you discuss the more concentrated version you mean the powdered version, but if you don't, please clarify if you have time.Many people have not been happy with the recent changes to Gain powd...