This easy to understand program details the exact training and diet programs to make BIG GAINS FAST. You don't need drugs or expensive supplements to make fast gains in size or strength. In fact, if you don't makeIMPRESSIVE GAINS IN YOUR FIRST SIX WEEKSsimply return the package and I'll...
I've reserved the special Fast Muscle Growth report for you. Here's what you get: Immediate Growth without doing one single additional rep - you'll fall off your chair when you learn this one! How to make all your workouts increase your muscle growth - automatically!
I reveal all my jealously guarded muscle building secrets in my new 12-Week weight gain system calledThe Critical Weight Gain Program. These are the same secrets used by those on the inside to grow muscle and pack on the pounds quickly and easily without any risk. I sent my program to Cr...
So you gain strength and muscle fast – these are the newbie gains. I started out skinny-fat at 60kg/135lb. My weight climbed to 80kg/175lb the first three years, most of it the first year.But my weight hasn’t changed much since then. The more strength and muscle you have, the...
You can’t gain more than 1kg/2lb of muscle per month. This is the human genetic limit. The only way to gain muscle faster is by not going slower. It takes a year to gain 12kg/24lb of muscle and make a big change. Be consistent and stay focused so it doesn’t take you two ye...
Since I started your workouts I gained 23 kilograms of pure muscle and I can only say thank you cause your workout changed my life and I finally feel good about myself. You gave me confidence and strength and gain a loyal student.Thank you, Juraj Marcekovic , Croatia...
So, yes, you might have to add some body fat to gain muscle, but you can still stay relatively lean. Nutritionally, what are the foods you think are best suited to "fast-track" muscle gains? Chamberlain:I'm a big fan of starchy carbs, such as jasmine rice and sweet potatoes; essenti...
You have to remember that you can start to really change your life when you are working out and trying to build muscle as fast as possible. Someone who is trying to build muscle needs to have a plan, and it is much easier for you to start following a plan. This plan helps you get...
Your diet has a lot of effect on your body building so you need to change your eating habits for your body building as well. The workout takes a lot out of your body so you need to eat more food including vitamins, proteins, veggies, fruits etc. Protein ensures fast muscle growth, fa...
“empty” carbs like pizza, French fries, candy, potato chips, fast food and other types of junk food. Although these processed foods are loaded with calories, they do not contain the right macronutrients needed to help you reach your muscle building goals. Do you think you get the same ...