statement of loss and gain 【经】 损益表, 损益计算表相关短语 bottom line (损益表中最末一行) 末行数字 absolute assignment (指对权益的) 绝对转让,绝对转让 refractory corrosion (损耗) 耐火材料侵蚀 wet damage (货被水损) 湿损 schistosomus (下肢缺损) 体裂畸胎 internal finance (收益留存加折旧) ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Financial,Acronyms,Idioms,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. GAIN. The word is used as synonymous with profits. (q. v.) See Fruit. A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Pub...
loss n. 1.丧失;遗失 2.损耗,亏损 3.(某人离开或珍贵物品被取走造成的)损失;因离去而造成损失者 4.去世;逝世 5.损失;丢失 6.损失物 7.损失量;损失额;亏损额 8. execute if statement 【计】 执行如果语句 copy statement 【计】 复制语句 execute assignment statement 【计】 执行赋值语句 loss lea...
英文 statement of loss and gain 中文 【经】 损益表, 损益计算表最新查询: statement of e statement of f statement of f statement of f statement of f statement of f statement of f statement of f statement of f statement of f statement of f statement of f statement of g statement of g ...
[translate] aThose price fluctuations would fall into the unrealized gain and loss segment of the income statement with an impact on total income 那些价格伏动将分成收入报告的未实现的获取和损失段以对总收入的冲击 [translate] 英语翻译 日语翻译 韩语翻译 德语翻译 法语翻译 俄语翻译 阿拉伯语翻译 西班牙...
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如果卖掉equity investment 为什么gain or loss 不计入 income statement 而要计入OCI 淡定的指甲油于2019-06-13 16:10 发布 2235次浏览小洪老师 职称: CMA,财务分析,cfa一级和二级 2019-06-13 16:11 你好,因为股权投资的买卖本就是权益的利得和损失,所有要计入其他综合收益...
[translate] abut it would affect the unrealized gain-loss segment and the earnings segment of the income statement in equal and opposite amounts 但它将影响未实现的获取损失段和收入报告的收入段在相等和相反数额[translate]
5) Profit and loss 损益 1. Analyzing of the Effects of Profit and Loss on Foreign Exchange upon Accounting Statement; 外币折算损益对会计报表影响分析 2. The paper makes a comparative analysis of the relation between calculated depreciation and counted devaluation and recovery of fixed assets and st...
lossandgainstatement的用法例句英语词典推荐学习词条 Polish April CAF China Christ Christian Christmas CORE December Easter 英汉词典常见短词用法 Polish April CAF China Christ Christian Christmas CORE December Easter FAX February Friday NEGRO North November God ...