12. A study on these noun-centered exocentric constructions will not only deepen our understanding of Chinese phrases, rethink about the phrase-standarded opinions in the research of Chinese grammar, but also enrich and develop the theories of exocentric-endocentric construction and decategorization of...
What does it profit a man to gain the whole world, yet forfeit his soul?Berean Literal BibleFor what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and to lose his soul?King James BibleFor what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?New ...
As such, mutual information is sometimes used as a synonym for information gain. Technically, they calculate the same quantity if applied to the same data. We can understand the relationship between the two as the more the difference in the joint and marginal probability distributions (mutual info...
Overcast skies are predominant in northerly locations and will have a high frequency of low solar altitudes, and thus ground reflection is an important contributor towards total solar energy gain. The foreground surfaces include common materials: Grass, sand, and cement slabs, and some non-...